Completion of 100 Days at IGTC !

Completion of 100 Days at IGTC !

As rightly said, "Time flies at IGTC." 100 days at IGTC so far have been a vibrant experience.?From learning important lessons from distinguished faculty visiting us for lectures to educate us on various subjects, the reignition of my love for reading, and working on challenging assignments has been so interesting.

IGTC provided a fast-paced learning environment where deadlines and schedules are sacrosanct. This taught me that there is no excuse for being on time and delivering the value that we are expected to.

?I got the privilege to learn a lot of lessons that are beginning to shape me into the professional I aspire to be. Though several practical lessons and insights were learned. I am still a work in progress and cannot wait to experience what comes next!

#igtc #managementstudies #learning?


