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Schedule Your Dream: 8 steps to maximizing your time and mobilizing your visionPrice: $2.99
Priority Plans, August 23, 2017
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This review is from: Schedule Your Dream: 8 steps to maximizing your time and mobilizing your vision (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of Schedule Your Dream; 8 Steps to Maximizing Your Time and Mobilizing Your Vision by Liane R. Grant touches upon finding the time for accomplishing one’s dreams andor goals. Some of the ideas in this kindlebook; taking inventory of the activity that takes up the most time to see if at least part of it can go towards the dream fulfillment, Writing down a reasonable timeline for shifting certain activities towards creating the time for the goal if necessary, focusing motivation, and more.
Better Late Than Never, August 23, 2017
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This review is from: 5 Habits to Master Your Hunger: Healthy, Smart Habit Strategies to Deal with Hunger, Diet Cravings and Satiety (Kindle Edition)
Yet I wish that I would have known about some of the information in this kindlebook of 5 Habits to Master Your Hunger; Healthy Smart Strategies to Deal With Hunger, Diet Cravings, and Satiety by Michael Forest that I know now. For instance, Michael Forest gave me an idea on why I want to train my mind to eat at a certain time, persuasive information about snacking that I admit I am in the process of working on yet am willing to try for budgetary reasons, combining certain foods and more.
Inside The Tailhook Scandal: A Naval Aviator's StoryPrice: $9.99
Insider’s Business?, August 23, 2017
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This review is from: Inside The Tailhook Scandal: A Naval Aviator's Story (Kindle Edition)
I must make it clear that this kindlebook of Inside the Tailhook Scandal; A Naval Aviator’s Story by US Navy Captain Robert Beck (retired)caught my attention more because of my interest in military themed books, television etc. being influenced by my previous military experience. Additionally, my interest in these type of subjects is separate from the fact that I feel blessed for my current job yet I am in the process of merging my interests together in order to help me match the puzzle pieces of my destiny together more creatively. With that out of the way, Beck shares how the idea of the Tailhook convention came to be while recalling his experience. Beck also shares a significant amount of detail from his career such as recalling making a morning commute from his Annapolis Maryland home to the Navy Yard in Washington D.C., being asked if he attended the Tailhook event in an official status, recalling a May 1971 experience where he was getting a seat on the “Magic Carpet†chartered Continental Airlines flight, and more.
Love Is A Wonderful ThingPrice: $1.29
A Moving Love Song, August 23, 2017
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This review is from: Love Is A Wonderful Thing (MP3 Music)
I admit that I first heard the song Love is A Wonderful Thing by Michael Bolton around the time I was 11 years old. This song recently caught my attention again when I noticed it at a cd store. I have heard of the controversy attached to this song and this helps me understand why a cd copy that I have of this song (the short one version of Love is a Wonderful Thing is 4:49 and the long one version is 5:29) may only be in limited circulation. I did give the other group (Isley Brothers) credited with the song a chance. Their version is good and I do remember hearing about the Isley brothers as a teenager back in the 90s from a music collaboration they did with R. Kelly and a scandalous yet brilliant tune called Contagious. However, The song Love is a Wonderful Thing by Michael Bolton has an uplifting beat that took a hold of me when I first heard it in the early 90s and it is challenging for me to not be emotionally moved to happiness when I hear Love is A Wonderful Thing by Micheal Bolton.
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The Busy Writer: Finding the Time and Inspiration to WritePrice: $0.99
Compelling Kindlebook, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: The Busy Writer: Finding the Time and Inspiration to Write (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of The Busy Writer; Finding the Time and Inspiration to Write by Craig. A. Hart contains some invaluable tips for juggling employment with a writing schedule such as; mind mapping, freewriting, creating a habit of writing a certain time, getting it written and allowing oneself to throw a little caution to the wind etc. Craig A. Hart also talks about the delicate balance of planning ahead to a certain point which I admit that I am in the process of working on, info is also shared on finding time and an example of a day outline. I admit that a kindlebook like this is encouraging to someone like me because I actually want to improve my writing for pragmatic reasons. This is the final review this year where I talk about how my educational and family history tie into my writing dreams but I am lucky to have had a late adoptive father who planted the dream seed in my imaginative mind to become a writer when he suggested to me about becoming a writer around the time I was between 11-13 years old. Regardless of whether he was joking or not it was both my late adoptive mother and late adoptive father who also provided the disciplined environment that allowed to me flourish to become class valedictorian in 8th grade. However, unlike most other kids who are pushed into a career andor college path in that situation, my adoptive parents were actually neutral about whether I would go to college or not, become a writer or not, or whether I became a house wife or career woman. Rather my writing dreams actually come from my goals in wanting to improve my writing not just for book writing goals reasons but for also pragmatic/realistic/practical reasons related to my money and career goals. Additionally, my desire to balance a writing schedule with a work schedule is indirectly influenced by my more frequent sleep time dreams I have been having involving me going to school and writing even in my sleep time dreams. I feel that finding out about this affordable kindlebook that is the Busy Writer; Finding the Time and Inspiration To Write by Craig A. Hart on Amazon around the time I have been frequently having these writing and college sleep time dreams are more than just coincidence and possible serendipity.
Hacking the Afterlife: Practical Advice from the FlipsidePrice: $9.99
Meaningful Afterlife Kindlebook, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: Hacking the Afterlife: Practical Advice from the Flipside (Kindle Edition)
This detailed kindlebook of Hacking The Afterlife; Practical Advice From The Flipside by Richard Martini has written details from different writers that give different perspectives on the afterlife. I do like the healing guidance and reminder that it is possible to recover towards triumph from almost any challenge in life. Deep down I already knew this but it is healing to see that reminder in written form. I respectfully disagree on some of the points made in this kindlebook yet my spiritual heart is indirectly influencing me to give myself more time to revisit some of the points I disagree with that are currently left unwritten. There are various details included such as sometimes when a person dies it is actually common for some men and women to meet family members andor friends andor other members from their soul group from both their current lifetime and past lifetimes, people can be met by their spirit guides, our spirit guides are very supportive and positive even if we veered towards a course different from what we set out to do prior to incarnating, information on the council of elders, it is possible for a man or woman to ask for help in a course adjustment if they are concerned about living their lives in alignment with what their soul/higher self set out to do in their present incarnation, the hall of records, soul groups, pre-life planning, a person can go a thousand years in living in the non-physical realms/afterlife before reincarnating back on earth if they choose to do so, and much more.
The Magic of Pray Rain JournalingPrice: $9.99
Unique/Creative Concept, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: The Magic of Pray Rain Journaling (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of Pray Rain Journaling by Jeannette Maw is a creative guide that takes the concept of the scripting method that allows a person to write their goals and dreams even when time andor privacy is a concern. I also find the technique in this book healing as it is an indirect way for me to help connect me with the intuitive goals of my higher self/spirit. Maw also uses example format to help give a person the idea on how to go about the technique of Pray Rain Journaling.
Date With An AngelDVDPrice: $1.99
Heart Centered Film, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: Date With An Angel (Amazon Video)
This film Date With An Angel is a cute and heartwarming film. The movie plot of Date With An Angel deals with a man named Jim Sanders (Michael Knight) who has a successful career and is engaged to his boss’s daughter Patty Winston (Phoebe Cates). To put it lightly, Sander’s life is not the same after a mysterious looking woman (Emmanuelle Beart) comes into his life and turns out to be angel. There is more to this endearing film including other actors and actresses involved in the Date With An Angel film, yet I want to be considerate of the people who have yet to watch Date With An Angel.
The Adjustment BureauDVDPrice: $2.99
Insightful And Thought Provoking Film, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: The Adjustment Bureau (Amazon Video)
This film The Adjustment Bureau features Matt Damon as David Norris and Emily Blunt as Elise Sellas. David Norris unintentionally meets Elise Sellas by accident as they talk about the political run that he did. David Norris and Elise Sellas mutually end up being in romantic love with each other but life has other plans for David Norris. David Norris also ends up in circumstances where he meets some men who say that they are in charge of following his life. Anthony Mackie features as Harry Mitchell and John Slattery stars as Richardson, Terrence Stamp as Thompson, three of the men who are tasked with orchestrating certain events in people’s lives. Norris has to keep secret even from those closest to him what has happened to him. For instance, Norris admits to his coworker Charlie Traynor (Michael Kelly) how he is going to miss Elise Sellas in one plot scene but he has to conceal the full story from him. I have to credit the author of the Hacking the Afterlife kindlebook (Richard Martini) for inspiring me with the idea to check out this film. One of the reasons why The Adjustment Bureau film catches my attention is that it plays with the idea of fate versus destiny. Obviously, there is much more to this film as well as other actors featured in this film, yet I know that I must take into account other people looking at this review analysis who are interested in seeing The Adjustment Bureau. I could only speak for myself as I understand that The Adjustment Bureau film is creative fiction, but I personally believe that my own life is a combination of both fate and destiny yet that it is my job to creatively engage both my intuition (instinctive nature) and logic (rational thinking) to wisely decide what areas of my life I am the master of my ship in and which ones I have to creatively meld with my destiny/what is fated.
StarlightPrice: $1.29
Heartfelt Muse Song, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: Starlight (MP3 Music)
This song Starlight by Muse has a very ethereal and spiritual vibe to it. The lyrics seem to be a spiritual type of rock song that seems to be about a strong connection that lasts even beyond death. The indie rock/alternative rock melody of this song seems to also have a meaningful vibe to it as it seems to also be an enduring type of connection.
50 Great 2000s Alternative SongsPrice: $0.00
A Rich Music Variety, July 30, 2017
This review is from: 50 Great 2000s Alternative Songs (MP3 Music)
This Amazon music playlist of 50 Great 2000s Alternative Songs contains a variety of alternative rock classics from the early 2000s era; Feel Good Inc. by the Gorillaz, Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz, Ain’t No Rest For the Wicked by Cage the Elephant, Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard, Move Along by The All-American Rejects, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John, Amber by 311, Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet, Float On by Modest Mouse, SOF by Kings of Leon,Steady As She Goes by the Raconteurs, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, Beautiful Day by U2, Clocks by Coldplay, Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes etc.
Riveting, July 30, 2017
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This review is from: The Last Tycoon - Season 1 (Amazon Video)
I decided to take a chance on viewing The Last Tycoon episode 1 the pilot of Season 1 after seeing it featured online via the Internet Movie Database. The pilot episode opens with a man named Monroe Stahr (Matt Bomer)who loves his job working for Pat Brady (Kelsey Grammer)but feels conflicted about continuing to go about business as usual when a major project gets caught up in major controversy. Actress Lilly Collins also is introduced in the pilot episode of the Last Tycoon.
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Betty White in PersonPrice: $5.99
Motivational, August 1, 2017
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This review is from: Betty White in Person (Kindle Edition)
I understand that I am far from the target audience for this Betty White kindlebook. However, I recently had a dream where Betty White was riding on a colorful train surrounded by other happy people and I noticed that she was spiritually glowing. This inspired me to read up on some information on a person who has managed to still stay self-confident and happy in life through both good times and challenges. Sure enough this kindlebook of Betty White In Person by Betty White illustrates how Betty White has turned even some of her challenges into triumph. Among the following in this inspiring kindlebook; Betty White discusses with great affection the strong connection that she had with her husband. White also had a good relationship with her mother who gave support whenever she could when it came to her marriage. White also candidly shares why she thinks that she chose to avoid remarrying despite the close and happy marriage that she shared with her late husband who meant so much to her (Allen Ludden). White also pays tribute to some of the fans who wrote her during their lifetimes; they came from different places such as Indiana, Wisconsin, Australia, England etc. She also explains why writing is therapeutic to her (when the urge to get something out of her system by writing it down is irresistible) and much more.
Great Food Jobs 2: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Job HuntPrice: $4.49
Informative, August 1, 2017
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This review is from: Great Food Jobs 2: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Job Hunt (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of Great Food Jobs 2: Ideas And Inspiration For Your Job Hunt by Irena Chalmers caught my attention after seeing it being featured in connection with a previous book that I have bought before; Culinary Careers How To Get Your Dream Job in Food With Advice From Top Culinary Professionals by Rick Smilow and Anne McBride. Some of the following various culinary careers profiled in Great Food Jobs 2 by Irena Chalmers; kiosk chef,military chef, hospital chef, dinner and a movie chef, embassy chef, cruise ship chef, baby food chef, airport chef, and more.
The Science of Likability: Charm, Wit, Humor, and the 16 Studies That Show You How To Master ThemPrice: $3.99
Well-Meaning However, August 1, 2017
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This review is from: The Science of Likability: Charm, Wit, Humor, and the 16 Studies That Show You How To Master Them (Kindle Edition)
First off, I do truly believe that the author Patrick King of this kindlebook The Science of Likability; Charm, Wit, Humor, and the 16 Studies That Show You How To Master Them is only trying to help. I have to agree with other people and this author who send a positive message with this kindlebook of who doesn’t want to be liked. Ironically, it is the times in my life when I truly could care less about being liked while being harm-free to others where I unintentionally ended up being liked more than expected. It is challenging for me to be among the minority who rate this book just three stars as I know he is trying to help and I would even keep an open mind to maybe looking at some of his other stuff in the future. However, a few reasons why it is challenging for me to rate this kindlebook higher even though I reluctantly admit that there is room for improvement for me to work on my self-confidence; The author recommends using group dynamics to build credibility which is more than understandable especially because it is sometimes those who know you the most that sometimes will spread the word about you the hardest. However, the caveat to this suggestion is that sometimes really savvy people will see what is going on and the only defense andor solution to safeguard in that situation is to show how what you are mentioning about ties into your personal andor professional situation. Additionally, I have found out the challenging way from experience that it is sometimes human nature for others to even consider whether to even like you based on what job you hold andor what money you make. This could even bleed through family life as I had to recently had to admit to two family members why I had to pass on a funeral as I wanted to avoid borrowing money and even though two of them understood I rationally knew that this was more likely going to affect my likability factor. I am not saying this to garner sympathy but rather I am illustrating that I have learned from firsthand experience that the times in my life to where I didn’t even have to concern myself about being liked was when I easily andor consistently made a certain amount of after tax money that I would rather not disclose. On the plus side, I am concern-free even when I am judged to be too career-minded as I understand it is human nature for even some family members as well as other people to make judgments on whether or not to even connect with you based on your career or income and that it is more important to be emotionally resilient and count your blessings. However, advice such as how to be a leader that anyone will follow and how to get into someone’s inner circle are well-meaning but leave out that a person has the best chance to improving their social quality of life based on how their career life is aligned. The advice of how to make friends out of enemies is also well-meaning as I do believe that sometimes your enemies andor critics can become supportive allies. However, that advice could also be obviously dangerous and can sometimes only be implemented occasionally andor sparingly.
Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook to Astral Projection and the Out-of-Body ExperiencePrice: $3.99
A Conversation With An Open Minded Friend With Mystical Interests, August 12, 2017
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This review is from: Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook to Astral Projection and the Out-of-Body Experience (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook to Astral Projection and the Out of Body Experience by Jonas Ridgeway is great for even a beginner to astral traveling. Healing and compassionate tips are given to find ways to lead a happier life to help along the astral travel experiences. Ridgeway also recalls his experiences with how he got into astral traveling and one of the authors who played an important role in helping him have success with his beginning astral travel efforts.
Classic '80s FlicksPrice: $0.00
Fantastic 80s Hits, August 12, 2017
This review is from: Classic '80s Flicks (MP3 Music)
This Amazon music playlist has a wide variety of songs from the 80’s pop genre from a vast and diverse range of artists such as Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins, Against All Odds by Phil Collins, Get Into the Groove by Madonna, Glory of Love by Peter Cetera, Eye of the Tiger and much more. I admit that I unexpectedly came across this brilliant music list when I was looking up the She’s Like the Wind song by Patrick Swayze feat. Wendy Fraser after unexpectedly hearing it on an 80s station on Pandora. I am glad that the She’s Like the Wind song by Patrick Swayze feat. Wendy Fraser is featured on the playlist because hearing the song makes me remember my late adoptive mother as she had a celebrity crush on Patrick Swayze.
Distinctive Television Series, August 12, 2017
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This review is from: Lost in Oz - Season 1 (Amazon Video)
This Amazon tv series special of Lost In Oz Season One is an imaginative tv series that is a jubilant and modern retelling of the Wizard of Oz series. The viewer gets an idea that there are going to be some unexpected twists and turns such as during one of the episodes where Dorothy discovers a connection between her mother and some of the inhabitants of the Wizard of Oz. Obviously, this is a family friendly series perfect for anyone to watch and I came away with some ideas for plot development as a writer.
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Best of Depeche ModePrice: $0.00
Both For Novices of Depeche Mode andor People Already Familiar With Depeche Mode, August 14, 2017
This review is from: Best of Depeche Mode (MP3 Music)
This Amazon music playlist of the Best of Depeche Mode features a wide variety of Depeche Mode’s best hits from various time periods. For instance, the songs Soothe My Soul are from 2013, In Your Room is from 1994, Blasphemous Rumors is from 1984, Just Can’t Get Enough is from 1981, Walking In My Shoes is from 1993, I Feel You from 1993and more terrific songs. The song is currently not on this playlist but the song People Are People by Depeche Mode is a heartwarming song about being open-minded enough when it comes to the message of allowing harmony to reign when it comes to people of various backgrounds relating to each other. I’m aware of a multiple number of these songs because my husband generously gave me a Depeche Mode greatest hits collection over 10 years ago that featured a multiple number of their hits and I look forward to one of their concerts coming up in the area (obviously that part is something for another post). This Amazon music playlist of Depeche Mode is best for music lovers who like alternative rock music and hints of electronic and synth pop from the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000s.
The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3DVDPrice: $2.99
Dramatically Powerful Portrayals, August 14, 2017
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This review is from: The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3 (Amazon Video)
I confess that I just watched this film The Taking of Pelham 123 after my husband mentioned to me that he has watched and liked a 70s version of this film. I am very glad to have watched this film as there are many twists and turns throughout. The Taking of Pelham 23 features the plot of Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) dramatically having his life changed when Ryder a.k.a Dennis Ford (John Travolta) decided to hijack the train route that Walter Garber was assigned to. Garber’s boss John Johnson (Michael Rispoli) and Lt. Camonetti (John Turturro) try to take over for Garber when his shift was over but he becomes a focal point of the a very dangerous situation whether he wants to or not after Ryder insists on speaking with Garber. Of course, there are other characters who played important roles in this The Taking of Pelham 123 film. I do feel that multiple actors and actresses contributed to this film in different ways. However, I admit to being undecided between which acting portrayal was my most favorite from this film and I am going to have to leave others to decide that as I feel that both Denzel Washington and John Travolta gave brilliant reenactments of their personas even though both men appeared to be each other’s character foil.
Fantastic Documentary
This documentary of Disneyland Resort Behind the Scenes had a wealth of information in the span of just 51 minutes. Among the following data in this documentary of the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim California;John Lasseter Principal Creative Advisor Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios,Toy Story mania,Jim Shull Principal Concept Designer,Larry Nikolai Principal Concept Designer Walt Disney Imagineering, Star Tours,Lisa Girlami Show Producer Walt Disney Imagineering, The Hotel Hollywood Tower Ride, Mary Niven Vice President Disney’s California Adventure,Carla Carlile Disneyland Resort,Steve Davidson Vice President Parades Spectaculars Walt Disney Imagineering Creative Entertainment,Bruce Vaughn Chief Creative Executive Walt Disney Imagineering, John Addidis Senior Show Director Disney Creative Entertainment, Hollywood Pictures area,Soarin Over California, Mark Sumner Senior Technical Director Walt Disney Imagineering, Paradise Pier, Tony Bruno Vice President Disney Resort & Hotels Downtown Disney, Tony Baxter Senior Vice President Walt Disney Imagineering,Chad Emerson Columnist Tourist Attractions & Parks Magazine,Tim O’ Brien Amusement Park Expert,Kathy Mangum Executive Producer Vice President Walt Disney Imagineering,Kevin Rafferty Senior Concept Writer Director Walt Disney Imagineering,Big Thunder Mountain Railroad,Pixie land, Denny Newell Senior Show Director Disney Creative Entertainment,It’s A Small World boatride, Richard Sherman Co-Composer of It’s A Small World, Richard Lang Horst Vice President Facilities & Operations Services Disneyland Resort,Star Tours themed from Star Wars and mention of Indiana Jones films, Matterhorn Mountain and bobsled rides,Marty Sklar Retired Walt Disney Imagineering,Adventureland, Toontown, New Orleans theme, Fantasyland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland,Disney Vault 28, Espn Zone, the three hotels Disneyland Hotel with a Neverland Pool deck, Paradise Pier Hotel, Grand Californian Hotel & Spa and more
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NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 10Price: $0.00
Happy Memories, August 16, 2017
This review is from: NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 10 (MP3 Music)
This Amazon music playlist collection of NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 10 makes me remember the time period when I first heard a multiple number of these songs as I was stationed in Yokosuka Japan through the U.S. Navy when I was introduced to a wide number of these tunes. This collection is great for eclectic music lovers because of the wide range of songs from the pop, dance, and rock genres such as; A New Day Has Come by Celine Dion, Don’t Say Goodbye by Pauline Rubio, Underneath Your Clothes by Shakira, I’ve Got You by Marc Anthony, Uh Huh by B2K, Can’t Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue and more songs (I credit my husband for influencing me to listen to Kylie Minogue in the early 2000s for as often as I have yet that is something for another post). I also like this music collection of Now That’s What I Call Music Vol. 10 because there is a strong balance of songs from various genres.
'80s Hard Rock WorkoutPrice: $0.00
Lively, August 16, 2017
This review is from: '80s Hard Rock Workout (MP3 Music)
I admit that I came across this Amazon music playlist of '80s Hard Rock Workout after doing a search on one of the artists/musicians (Queen) I was looking up in the digital search in connection to an Amazon music playlist that I created at my husband’s request (he knows I like to create multiple music playlists). The following is a sampler of some of the songs on this music playlist; Cult of Personality by Living Colour, Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi,Eye of the Tiger Survivor, Rainbow In The Dark by Dio, and more.
Encouragement, August 16, 2017
This kindlebook of Write Your Book On The Side: How to Write and Publish Your First NonFiction Book While Working a Full-Time Job (Even If You Don’t Have a Lot of Time and Don’t Know Where to Start) by Hassan Osman caught my attention even as someone who is interested more in writing fiction fantasy stories. Luckily I did find some information such as the reasons for looking at both positive and negative reviews. I admit from firsthand experience, even as an open-minded woman, I feel at ease with eventually checking out an author’s work if they are willing to allow both negative and positive reviews. Osman also mentions about checking internet forums, choosing a title and tying it up with certain keywords, writing more than once a week and more.
Sunday August 20, 2017
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My Introduction to the Tomorrowland Music Series, August 19, 2017
This review is from: Tomorrowland 2011 (Audio CD)
This music compilation of Tomorrowland 2011 is one of the first music sets that introduced me to the Tomorrowland music series as I had originally purchased Tomorrowland 2011 on October 31, 2012 (via Amazon Germany). This music set of Tomorrowland 2011 is a double music set of 25 tracks by various artists on the first cd and 12 tracks by various artists on the second cd. There is more of a house music type of feel on this compilation but there are also some edm and electronic/dance mashups as well such as the extended mix of Save the World by Swedish House Mafia and the Eric Prydz Mix of Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. This collection of Tomorrowland 2011 is still good to get even if you are more familiar with later music sets of Tomorrowland. However, if you are still deciding about obtaining Tomorrowland 2011 there are also free music sets of Tomorrowland compiled by different DJs online such as through the youtube channel. If you are a newbie to the Tomorrowland series you can also get a feel of the series through listening to such songs as Greyhound by Swedish House Mafia and the Night Out by Martin Solveig as these two artists are among the multiple musicians/music groups on the Tomorrowland 2011 music compilation (just with different songs on the Tomorrowland 2011 compilation, i.e. Ready to Go by Martin Solveig (Hardwell Mix)and Save the World by Swedish House Mafia(original mixes and extended mixes).
Easy Taco Cookbook (Tacos Cookbook, Tacos Recipes, Taco Cookbook, Taco Recipes, Tacos 1)Price: $0.00
Quality Recipes For the Price of the Kindlebook, August 19, 2017
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This review is from: Easy Taco Cookbook (Tacos Cookbook, Tacos Recipes, Taco Cookbook, Taco Recipes, Tacos 1) (Kindle Edition)
I admit that I like to prepare and eat tacos/burritos for my husband and I because there are a variety of ways to cook them differently even on a budget. This kindlebook of The Easy Taco Cookbook by Chef Maggie Chow had some terrific recipes for this kindlebook being free such as; pumpkin and avocado tacos, black bean and bacon tacos,Italian Sausage and Beef tacos and more(my husband picked up this recipe to be kind of a pizza taco recipe because of some of the ingredients).
Building Self-Esteem and Confidence: A Practical Guide for Self-ImprovementPrice: $0.00
Good Thing This Was free However,, August 19, 2017
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This review is from: Building Self-Esteem and Confidence: A Practical Guide for Self-Improvement (Kindle Edition)
I wanted to like this kindlebook more and rate this kindlebook of Building Self-Esteem and Confidence; A Practical Guide for Self Improvement by Lisa j Roberts much higher. The positives; this kindlebook was at least free and she gave at least some helpful details such as exercising to boost one’s well-being. The cons; I can ignore and forgive the typos but giving helpful advice such as seeking therapy but leaving out additional information leaves a bit to be desired. Additionally, well-meaning advice such as rallying people in your life who will be your cheerleaders is also well intended but sometimes that can be risky as it is human nature for others to want to gather around others who show emotional strength and self-confidence. However, in Lisa j. Roberts defense, this kindlebook was at least free and so the info for it being free kind of balances things out a little. I do wish this author well and much success on her continued writing journey but any updates to her kindlebook could include a little more meat in the kindlebook such as maybe some studies she gathers either from online andor offline sources regarding self-confidence building.
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Perfect For A Storyteller andor A Person Who Simply Likes Journaling, August 21, 2017
This review is from: The Journal Writing Superpower Secret: Get Productivity Superpowers, Kill Procrastination and Stop Self-Sabotage, and Then Take Over the World (Kindle Edition)
I preface this review by sharing that I am an amateur reviewer who is reviewing from items that I have paid for either through money I made or bought with my husband’s help. I must make this clear as I admit to have considered it a compliment when I have been confused for a paid reviewer yet I am actually an amateur reviewer with a writing passion. This kindlebook of The Journal Writing Superpower Secret by Michael Forest contains quite an abundant amount of tips for making journal writing fun. Areas such as using prompts such as today I will, likely challenges I will overcome, daily life after accomplishing my goal, over the past five days I can be grateful for and more.
Your Inner GPS: Follow Your Internal Guidance to Optimal Health, Happiness, and SatisfactionPrice: $9.99
Supportive, August 21, 2017
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This review is from: Your Inner GPS: Follow Your Internal Guidance to Optimal Health, Happiness, and Satisfaction (Kindle Edition)
This kindlebook of Your Inner GPS: Follow Your Internal Guidance to Optimal Health, Happiness, and Satisfaction by Zen Cryar DeBrucke contains among the following; questioning unexamined assumptions, using your imagination to receive guidance from your inner guidance,the author relates her own story on how a relocation brought her an unexpected benefit and how that relates to having the thoughts that open you as it relates to your internal guidance system, and more.
The Last Ship Season 4Price: $23.99
Gripping and Exhilarating, August 21, 2017
This review is from: The Last Ship Season 4 (Amazon Video)
The Last Ship Tv show Season 4 opens with the entertaining plot sequence of In Medias Res and The Pillars of Hercules. In Media Res Captain Tom Chandler (Eric Dane) is picking up the pieces of his new life that is completely different from the one he led in season 3. Chandler’s talent in relating to people endears him to some of the locals of his new adopted homeland. However, the story progression happens in a way to where destiny seems to have other plans for Chandler. The second episode of the Pillar of Hercules features in greater coverage of how various other key players are doing on the Nathan James such as Mike Slattery (Adam Baldwin), Sasha Cooper (Bridget Regan), Alisha Granderson (Christina Elmore),Carlton Burke (Jocko Sims), Daniel Joshua Green (Travis Van Winkle), Kara Green (Marissa Neitling), Wolf Man Taylor (Bren Foster), and of course so many more characters who also contribute to the show that it would take up another review. The first two episodes of Last Ship feature how Mike Slattery interacts with the crew with a change of leadership around him. Some of the additional story developments that added a sense of being relatable are the concepts written around what is going on in the area of love andor romance for some of the male and female characters. I also like that some of the female characters were written to have both bravery and be heart-centered, traits which even I understand the why on why the heart centered element and bravery are not always congruent to how some of the femme fatale characters are written in some stories. I want to say so much more about what goes in just in the first two episodes alone especially as it relates to Tom Chandler because of the life curveballs that are thrown his way just in the first 2 episodes yet I understand that I must be considerate to people looking at this review who still want to watch the Last Ship tv series. I would definitely recommend watching Season 4 especially the first two episodes if you are already familiar with the Last Ship tv series. Even if you are new to the series this tv show is still worth a watch yet I would recommend trying to watch at least the final 2 episodes of season 3 if possible before watching the first two episodes of the Last Ship Season 4. I very much look forward to watching more episodes from the Last Ship tv series, and I admit that the first two episodes have enticed me to purchase the whole season 4 within the next 24 days or less.
The PresidioDVDPrice: $2.99
Relaxing Sunday Movie Watching, August 21, 2017
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Presidio (Amazon Video)
I liked watching The Presidio film for some of the following reasons; A strong storyline about a former military veteran and now San Francisco police officer named Jay Austin (Mark Harmon) who gets heavily involved with a complicated murder case that involves collaboration with his former commanding officer who is now Lt. Colonel Alan Caldwell (Sean Connery). To complicate matters even further, Austin is deeply in love with Caldwell’s daughter Donna Caldwell (Meg Ryan). This is actually the least of their challenges because on the professional front Austin and Caldwell see that multiple people may have been involved with the criminal case they are investigating.
Finding Your Ruby Slippers: Transformative Life Lessons from the Therapist's CouchPrice: $8.99
Wizard of Oz Theme?, August 21, 2017
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Finding Your Ruby Slippers: Transformative Life Lessons from the Therapist's Couch (Kindle Edition)
I admit that my intent to use the blessing of my current job to voluntarily seek therapy for myself and finding at least two options that work with my budget influenced my interest in this kindlebook of Finding Your Ruby Slippers; Transformative Life Lessons From the Therapists Couch Lisa Ferentz and Meg Wolitzer. Fortunately, my husband is supportive of my decision and I know what type of therapy I need but still I wanted to look at a kindlebook written from a therapy perspective. Some of the following concepts in this kindlebook; messages that a person gives to oneself about self-care and growing up what messages were received about self-care, three personal strengths to focus on, identifying things to be grateful for in one’s life and much more.
My Interest in Changing My Money Life Influenced My Interest In This Book, August 21, 2017
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Saving Money Tips: Discover How Saving Money on a Budget is Possible with This Must Have Saving Money Guide (Money Saving Guide, Saving Money Guide) (Kindle Edition)
I actually wanted to like this kindlebook of Saving Money Tips; Discover How Saving Money On A Budget is Possible With this Must Have Money Saving Guide by Andrew M. Parsons more and rate it higher as I truly believe that he is coming from good intent in sharing this book for free. Additionally, I intuitively and logically know that it is in my destiny and control to save more money and so I intend to get my hands on what I can to increase my financial/money knowledge. The good of Mr. Parson’s kindlebook; he gives pragmatic advice to consider moving to a lower cost of living area to save more money which is heart centered and good advice, it is just that I know from personal experience that sometimes a relocation to where there is lower cost of living also sometimes means tighter competition for even minimum wage jobs a factor that a person in the private sector must carefully consider unless they have a more stable job such as in the military andor the federal government. He also gives helpful advice to strive to try to live on 60 percent of what you are earning to save the rest which is also great advice depending on your after tax income. I also agree with his advice on credit cards as I have avoided using credit cards since the summer of 2013. I just wish that there was more advice on saving money andor boosting my savings that is new to even someone like me. However, the fact that this kindlebook is free is still going to attract many more people to this kindlebook because of the interest in ways to boost savings for free. It is challenging for me to be the only reviewer to give this kindlebook just one star yet I do wish Parsons more success with his work even if this kindlebook was different from what I was looking for as it intersects with my personal money goals.
BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge 2012Offered by IMS DistributionPrice: $18.6412 used & new from $0.71
Wide Ranging Music, August 21, 2017
This review is from: BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge 2012 (Audio CD)
This music collection of BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge 2012 has a blend of live studio recordings from some of the following artists; Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey, Next To Me by Emeli Sande, I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons, and more. I purchased this music collection from Amazon UK on December 30, 2012.
X-Diaries Vol.33 used & new from $26.56
Summer Theme Dance Music, August 21, 2017
This review is from: X-Diaries Vol.3 (Audio CD)
This audio cd set of X-Diaries Vol.3 has two cd sets (20 songs on each cd) of various artists such as; Sun Is Up by Inna,One Night in Ibiza by Mike Candys feat. Evelyn and Patrick Miller, Sunlight by DJ Antoine feat. Tom Dice, Bounce by Calvin Harris feat. Kelis and much more. I purchased this cd set through Amazon Germany back in October 28, 2011.
For Djs Only 2010/5Price: $15.536 used & new from $15.47
Festive, August 21, 2017
This review is from: For Djs Only 2010/5 (Audio CD)
This music selection of For DJs Only 2010/05 has a strong mix of several music artists with songs remixed in club form with imaginative results. A sampler of some of the songs on this two cd set (each cd has 10 songs on each cd set): Alejandro by Lady Gaga (Dave Aude Remix), Beautiful Monster by Ne-Yo (Low Sunday Terrified Club mix), 4th of July by Kelis (Calvin Harris remix), One (Your Name Vocal Mix) by Swedish House Mafia feat. Pharrell, I’m In Love by Alex Gaudino (Vocal Club Mix), Commander by David Guetta feat. Kelly Rowland (David Guetta Remix), and much more. I originally purchased this collection of For DJs Only 2010/05 back on January 22, 2012 through Amazon UK.
Techno Club Vol. 23 (Talla 2xlc Meets Alex M.O.R.P.H.) by Various Artists
Atmospheric, August 21, 2017
This review is from: Techno Club Vol. 23 (Talla 2xlc Meets Alex M.O.R.P.H.) by Various Artists (Audio CD)
This Techno Club Vol. 23 is a double cd set of 15 tracks on each cd such as; Oceanic by Above and Beyond, The Sunlight by Breakfast, and more. I purchased this music set back in July 12, 2012 through Amazon Germany.
Made in Germany Official Mayday Compilation 2012Price: $30.4610 used & new from $9.54
Dazzling Club Mix, August 21, 2017
This review is from: Made in Germany Official Mayday Compilation 2012 (Audio CD)
This Mayday Made in Germany music compilations is a various artist set of 20 songs on each of the 3 cds. A sampler of the various artists from this collection of the electronic dance music genre; The Legend of Zelda (Electrixx Remix) by Zedd, Flight 643 (Nash and Pepper Remix) by Tiesto, Sandstorm by Darude, For An Angel by Paul Van Dyk, Outside World by SunBeam, and much more. I purchased this set through Amazon Germany back in April 4, 2013.
ByStella Carrieron February 20, 2014
Format: Audio CD
Pete Tong Essential Selection contains various rock and electronic dance songs remixed for club play. Bob Sinclair feat. Gary Pine, Jamiroquai, Moby, Martin Solveig, Faithless, U2, The Killers, The Chemical Brothers, and Goldfrapp. It is definitely advised to get the cd version due to the availability of 14 tracks on each of the two cds.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
I Just Saw This Informative Documentary Yesterday on Sunday And
Yes, I understand that it is important to acknowledge our current President regardless of whether or not I agree with his politics. However, I still proudly admit, regardless of what may be said, that I voted for Hillary Clinton on my way to work last year. Even as President Donald Trump was quoted through media sources to say that the election was rigged I did not want to accept that the election is rigged. However, even if the election is rigged, watching the film Mississippi Burning back in 2013 for a college class influenced me to set my intent to do what I have to in order to vote in the Presidential elections for the rest of my current lifetime (as that film helped me understand that too many innocent people went through so much just so that someone like me can have the right to vote). Naturally, this documentary The Best Money Democracy Can Buy by Greg Palast piqued my curiosity to understand some of the not as widely discussed factors that indirectly affected the 2016 Presidential race and the documentary even helped me see that what Greg Palast discussed along with several other people could also play a role in the 2020 elections. Some of the following references in this documentary by a reporter who showed incredible courage in what was covered; Edmund Pettis Bridge, Lynda Blackmon Lowry, Selma’s youngest marcher, Marcia Edwards Selma Marcher, Reuters article Supreme Court Gus Key Part of Voting Rights Act written by Lawrence Hurley on Tuesday June 25, 2013 (location Washington), written and reported by Greg Palast,donors trust-Whitney Ball-Paul Singer, In 2015 Alabama Became the 30th State to Join Interstate Cross Check, Dedicated to the memory of Etok 1943-2015 and the memory of Danny Schnecter “the News Dissecter†1942-2015, Karl Rove former White House Deputy Chief of Staff senior adviser to President Bush, the Koch Brothers, American Crossroads, Selma Alabama 2016, Senator Hank Sanders representing Selma Alabama, Nikki Haley former Governor of South Carolina, Alabama photo ID law revised in 2014 state officials say, Texas Voter ID Law will take effect immediately says attorney general Greg Abbott, If Virginia’s 13 percent is any indication, almost 1 million Americans will have their right to vote challenged as per Rolling Stone magazine, Rosario Dawson, the cross check list, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, Shailene Woodley from the Resurgent film, Professor Robert Fitrakis Voting Rights Expert, Yale School of Management, John Paulson, Mark Swedlund Analytics Specialist, Robert F Kennedy Jr. Voting Rights Attorney, Jay Delaney, Willie Nelson, discussion of Clayton Roberts who was Director of Elections in Florida back in 2000, directed by Greg Palast David Ambrose Executive Producer Leni Badpenny Von Eckardt Manzoni, based on the book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cartoons by Ted Rall, and more.