Completed 365 Days No Alcohol
Today being #ashwednesday has marked one year Sober! Anyone looking to really find themself you need to do this challenge!!! I wanted to share my top benefits I got from this challenge. Also a few contacts that have helped me on this journey.
Top Benefits from Sober 365 Challenge:
I was going to have my first drink on day 365! That has changed in part to how great i feel and the stories I have seen from others!!!
#linkedin made it honestly a lot easier. I followed Ryan Owens and David Campbell . They made the sober life look cool. joined a group Openly Sober that has great information.
I also followed Adam Smith and he did this question answer below about questions he frequently gets asked about sober life. Thought it was great, so I wanted to share!!!!
Q- Why did you stop?
A-It was negatively impacting every area of my life.
Q-Was it hard to stop?
A-Absolutely. It was easier for me as I stopped in lockdown and I used to drink to be social. I was never a drink at home kind of guy.
Q-How do you stop?
A-Get rid of all the booze in your house, take a 30 day break, avoid pubs and bars where possible in that time, focus on something else.
Q-How do you socialise without it?
A-Use effective communication with your friends and tell them why you’re stopping.
Q-Best way to cope when cravings kick in?
A-Habit hack and have alcohol free alternatives. Are they the same? No. Are they better than causing you endless problems? Absolutely.
Q-Are there downsides?
A-Of course. You become more aware of your emotions and you have more time to process them. It can be very painful but will serve you in the longtime.
Q-What are the benefits?
A-They’re endless. Health, sleep, relationships, finances, mental clarity to name a few.
Q-When did it click for you to change?
A-When my family let me know it was impacting them and the doctor told me I would be dead in 10 years if I didn’t stop.
Q-Will you lose friends?
A-No. You will lose loads of acquaintances though that you thought were true friends.
Q-How do you handle it when your friends and family don’t understand your sobriety?
A-Create empathy for them, unfortunately alcohol plays a huge part of our lives in the western world. They will be fearful of losing you or not hanging out with you anymore. It will also show their insecurities.
Q-What would you say to anyone that is thinking of stopping?
A-Do it, it’s the best thing you’ll ever do.
Q-Will you go back to drinking?
A-All I know is I won’t drink today. Something I’ve repeated for 2.5 years.
If someone is looking to stop please don’t quiz them on it. If people do ask, approach it calmly.
Alcohol free living is the best decision I ever made and it might just change your life.