Complete Product Tracebility In Bricer!
Traceability concerns in tracking the journey of all products, along the food chain, from producer to consumer, including in some cases, depending on the final product: identify also, all ingredients, and their raw materials- since their origin- till get to final finish products.
In the event of a food incident, this it enables the identification and subsequent withdrawal or recall of unsafe food from the market, in the following minute, that it is identified.
Regulation can ensure , from one side, that people have useful information about where their food comes from; even so, from other side, all this approach is not only in one direction ; companies, and all intervenients in food chain, must have this processes well organised , for guaranteed that somewhere in the middle, all the information, will passed exactly has it is...without any lost..
And this is, we call, Transparency!
Systems of traceability and recall continue to develop and improve with advances in technology, but it must be option of the ones, that operate in all lines, that will choose to go forward with the correct implementation, of this, to guanteed the sucess of any recall, in any part of the line where is needed, and where is identified..
Bricer had developed and implemented this system!
We guarantee full tracebility of all our products,since when they come in, untill when they go out; and we guarantee as well, any complete recall, in case of needed!
We assure to our partners and customers, the full commitment to transparency, and to best practice in the field!!
That's what we are!! That′s who we are!!
The future is now, in Bricer!