Complete process transformation in one week, VSM and Standard Work combo - case study.
?? Leszek Lipiński
?? Uk?adam procesy w firmach produkcyjnych ???? Oszcz?dzam i zarabiam dla nich pieni?dze ?? Znajduj? rozwi?zania (nie)standardowych problemów ?? Operational Excellence ?? Lean ?? 6Sigma ?? Digitalizacja ??+48 603 298 378
If you want to change you need to notice, if you want to notice you need to look, and if you want to do it right - start with VSM.
Value Stream Mapping is where it all starts. Before that, you might do "bomb blasting" improving one part of the process but spoiling another, or maybe just shift the problem somewhere else. I know. I was there. After 16 years of practice I know how to do it. This post is about one of most amazing workshops I was facilitating - VSM (of course) but put together with complete change of the process and standard work. All within 5 days. Sounds interesting?
Back in my Franke Group days, working as Group Lean Mfg Director we were transforming whole operations together with OPS team lead by Lukas Burghardt. Goals were ambitious, so we went full throttle from the start, doing rapid makeovers of the production sites.
One of the most epic workshops I was leading happened in 2016 in KS (Kitchen Systems) China. Guangdong was hot and humid like usually and we had big team of around 20 people, cause it was our "learning by doing" implemented for asian sites, so representatives from China and India were there to participate. All under also present Head of Asian Operations Glen Baguley . He was the voice of reason to hothead individuals including myself .
Plan was simple and not too polished: go, see and transform the flow of welded sinks. Local team had gathered all needed data upfront and we had 5 days to make it happen - VSM, physical changeover and standard work at transformed process. Before it was possible it took me some time to make it happen, usually it took 4 days for the full VSM, plus same for Standard Work event. After tens of workshops I made from each lean tool, I found my own methods of doing it including minimum theory (90 minutes), and keeping all notes on paper as for the general. My approach is maximum practical tests instead of too much planning, thanks to it you can try what really works and master the final solution. During the workshop is important to keep everybody busy, quickly react and find "good enough", instead of perfect solutions.
Results were far beyond expectations, thanks to fabulous team, including Robert yi RobertYi , Production Mgr by then, for whom impossible doesnt exist. Whole VSM was planned for only 2 days where we fit gemba walks, analysis of the products and which we can move to the line, stock levels, future state and detailed plan to move forward. We found out that we can move ca. 80% of all welded sinks to new line which we planned to launch out of existing equipment. The processes included welding, several steps of polishing, assembly and packaging. For the zero day of our work it was all "departament" based and separated. Some of the machines were designed for batch processing so we were changing them to one-piece-flow. During one night Robert and his legendary maintence team (supported by reinforcements from Franke Water Systems organised by Glen), changed the half of the factory layout. Some machines were cut to halfs, reprogrammed moved to form the line, new tools were created all instalations done. Like a magic wand.
In the end efficiency was more than 50% improved, products succesfuly produced on newly created line with work balancing and standard work in place. One of many workshops me and the lean team had done, but atmosphere and dedication just great. Our tranlator Sunny Xu (firstname more than adequate) was passing orders to the team with the speed of the machine gun. Robert - personally helping maintenance during night makeover. Glen - thoroughly taking measurements and assuring backup when needed. Many more people who contributed, thank you all.
VSM gives you opportunity to see the whole process like it is, shows you what works and what needs to be fixed and sets up a plan with clear priorities. If you have great team you can make it in an eye-blink.
I didn't know it before I experience it leading my first VSM in Gdynia with the famous book in my hand, but this story will be one of next artictles.