A complete package - is it enough? I guess no..
The world is so preoccupied with woman empowerment and her responsibilities that it has lost sight of the state of modern women. Whatever her choices, she is judged. A woman, whether a housewife or a working woman, works around the clock to ensure that she never fails to impress those around her—she isn't allowed to skim the surface. In fact, she is burdened by societal expectations. And the best part is, even though the definition of a modern woman keeps changing, it is only women who face the consequences!!
“Tiaraaa, Ishantttt”
“I understand that you are well-engaged within your work, but please seat in the dining area. Ishant, especially you, the lunch has some delectable dishes for you to try. Suit up!”
Amidst the strife and mayhem due to the subsequent rallies in their neighborhood, Eashita was at peace. Reason was the kitchen, where she portrayed her brilliance through some mouth-watering homemade delicacies. A cream-filled rajma tikkis with coconut chutney, a potato pizza with olives and mushrooms, and a mixed-fruit frappe lined up in the dining area did all the talking.?
‘It’s really been a while. Why aren’t both turning up?’ She walked through the stairs to get a line on their work status, sensing their devotion and fidelity to their passion. She joyously strolled past some splendid and magnificent paintings that were cascading one after another - they truly adored the walls. Smiling faces of Tiara, Ishant and her husband, Parth, when she passed by the family photo, tickled her head to toe.
According to her, God had been very kind to her. Both her kids were surefooted in their career choices at a tender age – though she had a big role to play in the same, she considered herself fortunate to have kids exceptionally sorted out in their lives. A beautiful kathak dancer and a guitar player – yes that was Tiara for her, she could safely vouch on her talents. At present, she trained beginners in Kathak and took guitar classes at her residence – she pursued all with due diligence and sereneness. Parth and Eashita being well-educated (former a doctor and latter, as a bank employee), had realized the true value of dreams and aspirations way before in their lives. Eashita mentored their kids to the extent she could, and like any mother, left no stone unturned to deliver the best for them.
As for Ishant, however odd it might seem to many of his age, was an outstanding Chef. In the early years of his career, he owned ‘The Melting pot’, a restaurant, in the outskirts of Indore. Being experimental with dishes since he was a kid lead him to opt for his far-fetched goals. He worshiped?his choice, and the optimism, self-belief, and conviction deep-rooted within gathered him all the praise he deserved.
Eashita’s kids were her life. She savoured their successes with utmost delight, and again, as every mother does, loved them to the moon and back.
Lost in the good vibes, she failed to realize that she was standing outside her kids’ room. She peeped in, to watch some interesting fun and drama of siblings, but was taken aback by a conversation. A conversation that changed perceptions.
“Come-on Ishu, now you are being too rude. These neighbour kids I tell you, can never stop comparing people. It’s just one of their traits that can never change. ”
“No Tiara. I have had enough now. Since I am a kid, I am being compared to Mom. I understand and truly appreciate that she is great, but don’t I possess my individual talents? Every time I try a new recipe at the restaurant with utmost dedication and enthusiasm, someone says, ‘That’s a great one." And it must be. After all, your Mom cooks so well. How I wish I could be born to a complete package like her.’ ”
“I can feel this, Ishant. I too have faced such similar scenarios. Why does Mom try to be everything to everyone? Can’t she be happy doing just one thing? My classmates used to make fun of me, saying that your mother has an MBA and works for a well-known bank. It’s surprising to see her daughter studying in an arts college. Kids excel at their parents’ achievements, but you have your legs going the opposite way. You know, Ishant, as much I am happy for her, it kills me to see her so passionate in her tasks. I was the first to get inspired by her Bharatanatyam moves, which we all know, is her favorite past-time on the weekends. I love her, but not her achievements. She is always the center of attraction wherever she goes, and I am nowhere to be seen. I just hate going with her. ”
“Exactly. That’s my point, Tiara. Why can’t she be like Papa? Being a Doctor, he is exceptional in his work, and that remains his sole concentration. If he never tries to be a jack of all trades, then why Mom. It’s high time that she realizes that we just need a regular mother who works and takes care of her kids. Nothing more. Is it that difficult?”
Eashita was stunned. She did not expect this. Since she was a child, she was pushed to instill these qualities. She felt burdened at the beginning, because being a complete package wasn’t easy. But, her parents encouraged him, saying, “You will thank us later, Eashi. All your efforts will bring you a family that you can cherish for a lifetime. ”
Her friends loved the way she was. Some jealous, and some admiring – but deep down, everyone knew that she deserved the best, for she had everything one could ask for.
Our society is successful in convincing, especially the ladies that it is a must for them to be an all-rounder. Even after working for full-time, she, solely should possess the mental and physical capability to support the family. Any help from her spouse is her luck, not her right.
So became Eashita. She was an A-grader in her studies, and fond of dancing. Cooking was never something that came naturally to her, but society pressed her, saying, "A woman who cannot cook cannot care for her family." Finally, she succumbed to their wishes.
As she progressed, she developed extreme love for cooking. Her parents married her off to a well-settled doctor, Parth, in Indore. Her witty personality and exceptional talents left him speechless. But, as they say, the more you belong, the more you discern. Though Parth admired her and loved her, the same Eashita he could not resist, started to prick him. Actually it wasn’t Eashita, but her qualities. His ego could not contain the fact that his wife was better than him. Courtesy, his friends and family. Very cunningly, he tried to manipulate her thoughts on leaving some of her passions. Cooking wasn’t in the list, definitely, for it benefited?him.
But Eashita wasn’t among the ones to give up. She was proud to be a complete package. And with little perseverance, she could continue to be so.
She raised her kids with utmost love. Teaching them self-worth and self-belief, she made them competent enough to face the world. Parth was a busy doctor, and his surgeries allowed him little time for his family. So Eashita, kind of, raised them single-handedly.
Tiara and Ishant despised being an engineer, a doctor, or any other 9-to-5 job. They had passions. With their mom’s support and dad’s encouragement, they discovered their own route to reach to new heights.
Today was Sunday. Eashita always strived to be a role-model for her kids. After the sumptuous lunch that she made with extreme delight, she had plans to tutor Tiara’s kathak students along with her, simply because she wanted to spend more time with her.
But the talk left her with mixed emotions. Was being a complete package not worth in this society? Is a modern woman encouraged enough to be ‘modern’? Do people have the tendencies to twist definitions for women?
Tiara suddenly noticed her mom peeping inside. She made a suggestion that Ishant behave normally in front of her. Both were quick enough to change their expressions, after all, they were mature adults. Tiara called Eashita.
‘Mom, why are you outside. Come in. We know you have made our favorites. It’s just that we were so busy praising you and your abilities that we didn’t notice being late for the lunch. You know, Mrs. George, Cathy’s mother? She wanted to learn dal makhani?from you. Ishant mentioned that he will teach, but she insisted on you. Your style of cooking intrigues her. Also, your level of activities at the age of 45 makes us realize that how fortunate we are, to have you. Anyways, come, let’s have lunch.’
Tiara signaled Ishant and he followed. Both of her kids gave her a hug. Eashita, teary-eyed, followed her children with a brief smile.
On her way to the kitchen, she dialed Parth’s number. But, reality struck, and she disconnected the call.