The Complete Incomplete
The human brain is designed in such a way that it strives to find perfection, beauty, and completeness everywhere. In this quest, people oftentimes forget to think sane and contemplate the beauty of ‘incomplete’ things. This article is about those so-called ‘incomplete things’ that are ‘complete’ in their own way.
What is Incomplete?
Before diving into the mainstream of the article, it is essential to figure out what ‘incomplete’ means. Literally speaking, it means something that isn’t done yet, or something unfinished. In order to finish a thing, it needs to have a beginning and an end. All the incomplete things lie between them. For example incomplete homework, unfinished poetry, or incomplete relationships.
The beauty beneath the complete incomplete
Looking around, one can even ignore, but there are myriad incomplete things. Not less than often, there is underlying beauty resting with it which is lurking and waiting for people’s attention.
The Incomplete Wall
A four-walled room is kinda incomplete. One of the four walls is not closed and has a door, the other walls may have windows or even a ventilator. Had it been a complete four-walled structure, it would have been closed COMPLETELY. But the walls are incomplete, and this is how someone can enter inside it. Think about it delicately. Completeness would have just given four closed walls and no one can enter inside it, not even light.
The Incomplete Human
‘No one is perfect’ is a cliché premise resting at the tip of the tongue of every millennial and Gen z. It states that all humans are imperfect in their own way and this is how they are unique. This is how the world works. No one would look for happiness or financial security if everyone was ‘perfect’ or ‘complete’. The bad thing is- people consider them as ‘not good enough’ but the good thing is- there is no need to be good enough. And when people confront it rather than running from it- they find lifelong friendships and even love!
The Incomplete Books
The funny thing is that when people read books, they read it with a concentration in order to find what happens in the end. There are many good incidents and things to learn in between but nevertheless, the ending would be better than that-they think. However, the ending seems agitating- it is incomplete!
“How am I supposed to know what happened in the end? Was it a happy ending or a disastrous demolition?â€
What happens next? They Google it and end up reading the author’s spouse’s love story. Jokes apart.
The best thing about incomplete book endings is the way every single reader of the book is so engrossed in imagining ‘what the ending would be like’ and there is a different ending inside the mind of every reader. Myriad imaginations or myriad people.
Incomplete book endings also teach that “endings don’t matter if you draw you conclusions little by little in the betweensâ€
Incomplete is Not a Taboo; It’s Something Worth Giving a Thought
In the book of Taoism- the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu threw light into ‘nothingness’ and how the ‘empty space’ and ‘mass’ complete each other. Analogically, there is no complete without incomplete and no incomplete without complete. They both co-exist; they amplify each other- subtly and silently.
Just like there is beauty because there is ugliness, the same way- there is incompleteness because next to it lies completeness.
Incompleteness is sometimes better than the completed version, because at the end of the day, no one is looking for absolute perfection, but rather a reason to find perfection…