A Complete Guide to Script Tag Types in HTML
Asgarali Dekavadiya
Remote Frontend Developer | Expert in Vue.js, jQuery, Javascript, and Responsive Design
The <script> tag is a fundamental element in HTML used to embed JavaScript code within a webpage. However, there are multiple types of script tags, each serving different purposes. Understanding these script tag types can help you optimize performance, improve SEO, and enhance user experience.
In this article, we’ll explore all script tag types, their attributes, and best practices for their usage.
1. Basic <script> Tag
The most common <script> tag allows you to add JavaScript either inside an HTML file (inline script) or externally through a separate file.
Inline JavaScript
console.log('Hello, World!');
Inline scripts are useful for small JavaScript snippets but are not recommended for large projects due to maintenance and performance concerns.
External JavaScript
<script src="script.js"></script>
Using an external JavaScript file helps keep HTML cleaner and improves maintainability.
2. async and defer Attributes
When including an external script, you can control when it loads using async and defer.
async (Asynchronous Loading)
<script src="script.js" async></script>
defer (Deferred Execution)
<script src="script.js" defer></script>
AttributeLoadingExecutionasyncParallelImmediately after loadingdeferParallelAfter HTML is parsed
3. Module Scripts (type="module")
Module scripts allow JavaScript code to be imported and exported between files.
<script type="module">
import { greet } from './module.js';
4. NoScript Fallback (<noscript>)
For users with JavaScript disabled, you can provide a fallback using <noscript>.
<p>Please enable JavaScript to view this content.</p>
This ensures a better user experience for those who have disabled JavaScript in their browsers.
5. Preloading and Prefetching Scripts
Using <link> to preload JavaScript files can improve performance.
<link rel="preload" href="script.js" as="script">
This tells the browser to prioritize loading the script early.
6. Inline Event Handlers vs. External Event Listeners
Instead of inline event handlers like:
<button onclick="alert('Clicked!')">Click Me</button>
Use external event listeners:
document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
This separates JavaScript logic from HTML, improving maintainability.
7. Best Practices for Script Optimization
The <script> tag is essential for adding JavaScript to a webpage, but understanding the different types and attributes can greatly impact your website’s performance and SEO. By using best practices like defer, async, modules, and script preloading, you can ensure that your website loads efficiently and provides a smooth user experience.
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