A Complete Guide To QR Code Best Practices For CTV Advertisers

A Complete Guide To QR Code Best Practices For CTV Advertisers

With so many factors requiring careful consideration when planning a successful QR code activation on Connected TV, it wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest that more than 95% of QR code use today on CTV is fundamentally flawed in one way or another.

An effective QR Code strategy in CTV advertising requires more than simply running an overlay on top of an ad. If you want audiences to engage with it, then it has to be done right. Thankfully, this does not mean it's difficult to do.



  • Size, background and the amount of quiet space surrounding your CTV QR code are all paramount to determining whether or not a viewer's camera will have the ability to read it from the distance they're likely to be when watching TV.
  • The time you allow for the QR code to be on screen is vital. Think about it - someone needs to notice the QR code, mentally process it, decide if it is relevant, unlock their phone, get their camera on and so on. This takes time to do - just try for yourself.
  • Frequency. There's a good chance that while someone may have noticed your code before (and maybe even wanted to scan it) they simply missed it. Early indications from data we've pulled from a recent client campaign suggests it could take more than one exposure before your QR code starts seeing meaningful engagement.


  • This is arguably as important as the logistical piece to making a QR code strategy successful on CTV. In an age where everything needs to be a value exchange, it pays to offer the viewer more than 'scan here to learn more'. You need to give them a reason to want to. You need to let them know that they will get something out of it beyond being sold more reasons why they should buy something.


  • If we've only established one thing about QR codes in CTV so far in this article, it's that scanning a QR code suggests 'serious interest' by a consumer.
  • By placing QR codes in TV ads, advertisers can use them to make direct contact with their target audience and determine without doubt if audiences were influenced enough to perform some kind of definitive action. Better yet, the way they operate means that brands can even measure campaigns in a privacy-safe manner as they do not need to navigate CTV’s attribution systems to gather valuable data from QR codes.


This is a much simpler, although considerably more challenging problem for CTV advertisers. It is easy for something to tick all the boxes above, but there remains one thing that EVERY advertiser needs to keep front of mind when planning to run QR codes on Connected TV - do consumers want to scan codes when they're watching TV? Why is this so important? Because if you ask yourself that question throughout the creative process, then there is every chance that your strategy will go in a direction that is more sensitive to the fact that the very people you are counting on to engage, might just do so.


Here are three previous articles we have written about the use of QR Codes in CTV advertising:

If you have any questions about QR codes or want to talk to someone who you can trust will give you reasonable, safe and impartial guidance as to QR code best practices on Connected TV, drop us a line - [email protected]

You can also visit this page to see how we activate QR codes on CTV.

Read the full article here.


Origin is a creative technology company whose pioneering Native CTV advertising solutions have reshaped the way brands engage and activate consumers on the largest screen in the home.

Fusing dynamic content animation with proprietary ad serving technology, Origin's Native CTV ad formats elevate attention, recall, consideration and outcomes for brands who want to amplify their presence on Connected TV.

Origin was founded by media veterans Fred Godfrey and Stephen Strong whose careers have been shaped by their relentless commitment to enraging the status quo. Learn more at www.originmedia.tv.



