The Complete Guide To Our Payload Release Sequencing System (PRSS)
Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company
When Milliseconds Matter
On March 21, 2020 PacSci EMC proudly participated in the successful deployment of 34 satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The release of these satellites from the launch vehicle dispenser structure is a precision operation choreographed by our Payload Release Sequencing System (PRSS). To date, the PacSci EMC PRSS has successfully sequenced 3,424 on orbit events to successfully deploy 428 satellites (as of Feb 2022).
What may be less well known is how PacSci EMC came to develop the PRSS technology. With the growing use of airbags in the 1980s and 1990s, the automotive industry established a consortium of companies to develop communication and sequencing protocol. A safe-by-wire technology was developed to initiate the growing number of airbags found in modern vehicles. Ultimately, the technology was deemed too expensive for the high volume production of the automotive industry. PacSci EMC recognized the potential application for the technology in the aerospace industry and acquired the intellectual property in 2001. For use in aerospace application, we branded the technology as Smart Energetic Architecture? (SEA?).
Since 2001, PacSci EMC has successfully implemented SEA? technology in numerous applications. For the deployment of large satellite constellations, Smart Energetic Architecture offers many advantages.
Key Features
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