Complete Annihilation of a Successful "Personal" Brand - why I burned it all down, and what's next.

Complete Annihilation of a Successful "Personal" Brand - why I burned it all down, and what's next.

Why was I so good at selling something I didn’t even like?

Should I just go back to doing that?

This pain in my stomach, my solar plexus… right now feels like too much to bear. Giving up my comfortable revenue stream to dare and try something different.

I have doubts, anxiety,?

all the reasons I avoided coming out of my shell.

The embarrassment is dwindling, which helps a lot. There’s no way I could have moved through this with the amount of shame I was carrying before. I would have been way too preoccupied with how uncool and untogether I looked to the outside world.

I see why it took me so long.

I had to start saying NO to what I knew was not really me. I had to stop building a foundation on sand.

I did a GOOD THING by shutting down my business, and I can’t turn back now.

Funny thing is-?

I don’t even 100% know what I’m selling just yet. I just knew I had to pivot. I know that the very process I’m in right now, this very transformation of risking it all and daring to find a career that I love…

Is in fact what I’ll soon be selling.

Hear me out -?

I have a few new clients. At first I got nervous at the idea of getting on coaching calls again.

After years of associating coaching calls with anxiety and stress, I felt my body want to respond to that same pattern again. I could feel my brain wanting to escape and my body tensing up as the minutes approached for the zoom call w/ my new client.

Then I remembered, wait a minute -

I am in control.

If I don’t like the feelings being brought up by this interaction, I can change it. After all, I shut down my coaching business once that felt that way - what’s to stop me from doing it again?


What a beautiful realization.

It’s not that people don’t still come to me with marketing help, or marketing questions. It’s not that I can’t still help them with that either. It’s just a subtle, albeit powerful, tweak in energy where I no longer lie to myself or my clients about what my value is here, and what I’m actually good at.

If I feel I have value to provide to a conversation, I’ll share it.

If I don’t know the answer, or better yet, just don’t think it’s worth my time, and I can tell it will start draining my energy to share…

I’ll be honest with them about it and refer them to someone else.

What I’m finding on these new calls is, I’m able to take things in a whole new direction. The honesty I have about what I don’t want to provide anymore has opened up space for what I CAN really help business owners with, more than just marketing.

& can you guess what that is?

Actually finding joy in their work.


Perhaps the reason so many people came to me with help with marketing before, and desperately needed it, is because we were all collectively selling things we weren’t really in alignment with in the first place.

Of course we needed help with marketing!?

What I’m learning now is that true alignment in work means you don’t really need marketing. Your genuine energy and passion for what you do attracts people to you, no need to sell! But-

In order to accomplish this, you first need to download and adopt the belief that you are worthy of it. That you trust you are meant to be doing what you love, that you can in fact get paid for it…?

and man that is not easy.

That means going through the painful feelings of UNWORTHINESS you’ve been avoiding, and denying, for years.

God set me on the path to transmute this belief this year. So really -?

I am my own first client.

On the days it is hard, doubt creeps in, and I want to turn away and build a fake career again on sand… I remember,

This is simply a curriculum God is putting you through.

THIS is what you can get paid for!

HERE is the revenue stream you’ve been eager to find!

Here is how you can really help people, from your heart. Because gosh…

does the world need more people who believe they can go after their dreams, and actually get paid for it.

I’m going for it, and I will be sharing the journey as I go. As raw and honestly as I possibly can. So, if this newsletter resonates with you, and you want to follow along - here is my new offer:

I launched a private community for $49/month.

No more high-ticket, high-stress BS.

This is a private community I intend to grow, for people who believe there’s something greater for them out there than what they’re currently doing, and want closer access to someone crazy enough to actually go for it.

-Live calls and Q&As

-Personal branding courses

-Community access

-Guest speakers

-Engagement Groups (pods)

Oh, and also -?

The first 100 people who sign up are getting entered into a raffle. Winner gets flown to Miami to meet me and connect in person. (Flights, dinner, and hotel are on me!)?

& you can bet your ass I’ll do a video on the whole event & post you to my channel!?

Let’s have some fun. ??

However - fair warning:

I am not the same Shay you’ve always followed before. I am not here just for the show, the lights-camera-action, the glory. The “let’s make ourselves look amazing” previous version I projected to the world, and through my content in the past.

I don’t drink anymore.?

I don’t party.

There will be a lot less fluffy, bubbly, party-scene stuff and a lot more deep, introspective, and spiritual meaning behind our encounter together.?

So, don’t be shocked when I break out in prayer, or challenge you on what it is you’ve been avoiding. I care less about being adored by everyone now, and more about actually helping them. That takes being honest, having hard conversations, and being willing to move through the discomfort.

Just. like. what. happened…

with me.

You’re not alone. You earned it hun - and abundance is calling your way!?

I’d be honored to show you around my beautiful hometown, and to be someone to help you along your journey.

Sign up, show your support, and enter to win the free trip in my new community here

& I look forward to meeting whoever comes inside.

#Shayshine ??

Join now .

JOY Langley

?? Clear Emotional Mental Head Trash Fast | Less Anxiety Better Focus | Make Better Decisions | Psychological Strength EQ | Author Coach Therapist | For Solopreneurs & High Level Executives | Business Should be Fun?

4 个月

Just wondering Shay ?? Rowbottom, hows your emotional, mental and spiritual upgrade going?

Ken Otuoke

Plastic Surgery Hub for Brown & Melanated people . Q & A

11 个月

Finally you found yourself/ it’s better late than never. Your legacy/& your value attracts people to you. Wealth is vanity you can’t take them to the grave . Shay yourself discovery is powerful

Michael Fry, ChFC

In-Person/Virtual Retirement & Investment Advisor ? CASTLE Wealth System ? Confident Retirement Planning ? BRI

11 个月

Good for you! I am excited to watch your new journey.

Lana Horrocks

I Help Grandparents Share Their Story to Strengthen Their Children and Grandchildren

11 个月

Sometimes, success can make us realize what truly matters - finding ourselves. Shay ?? Rowbottom

It’s not always about who you are, but who you are becoming! You’ve taken a great first step, recognizing what does not bring joy and peace into your life. Congratulations


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