No Complaint Day !
Nowadays we have a trend of celebrating “dayâ€. A specific day is fixed to celebrate “Mother’s dayâ€, “Father’s Dayâ€, “Teacher’s Dayâ€, Chocolate Day, Rose Day, Friendship day, Woman’s Day.. etc. However we are all aware that India does not have this tradition. We believe that not only on a single day but all the year round, we should respect our parents, teachers, guru’s, care for our friends, and be grateful for their helping nature.
In India, we need to enjoy, Stress free day, no anger day, No complaint day, so that we all can live a better life. We have a tendency to keep complaining even about the negligible things. The tea had an extra pinch of sugar, a bit of common salt to the curry would be fine, the car is on reserve and the petrol prices are on the hike, somebody did not request me but ordered, I was not invited but was taken as granted, and the list of complaints is unending.
I appeal to all of you, let us celebrate a NO COMPLAINT DAY, for ourselves. Initially we can begin with once a year, gradually once a week and finally all the days. Let us make our lives more happy by refraining from complaints.