Complaining is not a strategy – think twice before making these statements
Late Dr Constantine "Dino" Kiritsis
Founder & MD StudySmart, ICDE PwC Serbia & ME, Author, Multi - Award Winning Curriculum Development Expert, SHRM, ICA, ACCA expert Professional Trainer
Some answers to statements of those who – probably – like ‘talking’ more than ‘doing’
Bite size thoughts by Dr. Constantine “Dino” Kiritsis, founder, StudySmart
Here are my answers to some statements we hear daily from a number of people:
Statement 1: If I had this company, I would have done this and this and this and run it better than him or her…
Answer: Well, let me inform you that someone else has the company and took the risk. It is easier said than done! (trust me…). Start by setting something up to run first and then talk…
Statement 2: If I had money it would be easy…
Answer: Well, go out there and get the money. What’s stopping you? Are you making good use of the money you’re making?
Statement 3: No one helped me in my life…
Answer: Well, join the club. Let me inform you that 80% of the most successful and innovative people had no help from anyone. Should I also send you the stories?
Statement 4: If I were leading, I would fire all of them!...
Answer: Well, let me inform you that it is tough being a leader. Again, this is easier said than done. Why don’t you start setting something up first, gain respect, trust, lead and then fire your own people?
Statement 5: I deserve more. ‘I’ am great… “I” have done this… “I” have done that…etc. etc.
Answer: If you deserve more, why aren’t you getting it? Why hasn’t anyone seen it? Why don’t you go out there and ask for it?
As an entrepreneur, I know that being ruthlessly honest is key to personal and professional development: don’t get me wrong! Complaining is not a strategy, so think twice before you use these statements. Talking is much easier than doing…The ideal world you picture in your head won’t just happen; you have to create the future.