Complaining leads you to the path of Negativity

Complaining leads you to the path of Negativity

A recent survey showed that majority of people compliance at least once within a time period of 60 seconds when having a typical conversation. When asked most people say that “Complaining is tempting as it makes you feel good which gives one an enjoyable pleasure just like smoking or having a large plate of oily bacon for breakfast – knowing it isn’t good for health but still not able to resist.” A human brain is a complex machinery which grasp on patterns i.e., the repetition of events leads to the formation of events which are further passed on by the neurons present in the brain to ease this flow of information.

That’s the reason it’s much easier to repeat behavior in future and sometimes people don’t even realize they are doing it. Let’s understand this theory with an example – Would you rather build a temporary bridge every time to cross a river? OR Would you rather make a permanent one? The idea of a permanent bridge make more sense, right!! This is exactly what the brain does by bringing the neurons close together so that the connections between them become more strong and permanent.

So, repeated complaining rewires your brain and that makes complaining in the future more likely to happen. This resulting in making complaining as your default behavior which changes how the people perceive you. But that’s not it, complaining damages several other areas of a human brain as well like –

Shrinking of Hippocampus – This area is where the intelligent thought process and problem solving happens, if hippocampus is damaged the chances of Alzheimer’s increase at an alarming rate.”

Your body too is not spared by the repetitive complaining because the moment you complain a stress hormone is released by human body called ‘Cortisol’, this hormone takes you to fight or rather flight mode i.e. directing the oxygen, blood and energy away from all things except to the systems that are essential for immediate survival. For example, cortisol raises the blood sugar and blood pressure preparing a person to either escape or defend oneself.

More complaining means more stress and more stress means extra release of cortisol which impairs the immune system and increase the chances of having higher of cholesterol and nobody wants that, RIGHT ? So, take a deep breath to calm yourself down whenever you feel like complaining.


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