Tom Krause
National Motivational Speaker 25-time Contributing Author Chicken Soup for Soul book series! - YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Educational audiences, School Districts, Volunteer Organizations, Social Services
Proverbs 1:32 “For the waywardness of the inexperienced will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.”
“Complacency” is a feeling of satisfaction that prevents you from trying harder.”
Many of us complacent Christians love to sing the hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers Marching As To War, but we don't want to go to war. Many of us like to read about putting on the Spiritual Armor of Christ, but we don't want to fight. We may even agree that there is a spiritual war but because we are satisfied with our routines and status in life we are content to let others fight the good fight.
That is why so many complacent Christians have been easy prey for the lies and conspiracy theories of today. Even the churches have become complacent. They don't want to pray at the altar for children in cages, the poor on the street, the working poor, the immigrants, or the oppressed by injustice. We know that is a problem but it is for someone else to address. God forbid we make anyone in our pews mad while people in our community suffer. How weak have we become?
The Spiritual War is real. If we will not pick up our cross and follow Christ in battle, why would we expect the rest of the world to fight out fight as Jesus' followers? If we will not speak out, reach out, stand out for those who cannot stand for themselves, we need to stop calling ourselves disciples of Jesus, forget about the Armor of Christ, and quit singing, Onward Christian Soldiers. Because it is "all talk" to make us feel better in our complacency. Let us REPENT and get busy sacrificing and serving our neighbors in need outside our church walls. - Tom Krause