Compiled vs Interpreted
Trade-off, Trade-off's everywhere... Life is all about trade-off's and Trade-Off's actually increase the complexity in decision making process. When it comes to choosing between a Programming Language, hardly developer's know the long term trade-off's. Today scenario is too much complex not it terms of choices, but also the competing forces. Let's go to some Basics for now. Programming Languages comes typically in favours, either Compiling Programming Languages or Interpreted Programming Languages. No matter what you do, Compiled languages have clear cut advantage in terms of speed, and Interpreted one be slower to run. At the same time, Interpreted Languages give advantage of faster development, at least in web scenario. Lots of developer fast their career, without knowing this basic. In a long run, do whatever Speed is something everyone will tilt to, though due to cost and other points lots of development start in Interpreted world. Compiled comes with one more advantage, if project doesn't need much of changes then Compiled code can run forever, without needing any maintenance as such, which gives a long term cost advantage with way high speed. That's why after so many years, having so many successful interpreted languages, new compiled languages are coming up, and Big players in industry are betting high on compiled languages. when google had a wonderful ecosystem around Node, why it required to build a Go-language. Why Microsoft build a bug eco-system around C#, why java is not leaving the world. Rust is not even leaving the surface. C, C++ being oldest languages, but never left the Top 10 slot of famous Language Ratings...!
Coding is not going anywhere, And Speed is the only thing which everyone will ask in the End. Pick the right one, long term win...