Competitive Programming 43??
Meghana Manchala
| B-tech in Software Engineering | Apollo x Kalvium | Second year |
Day 43: Unique Paths II , Longest Increasing Subsequence,Partition Equal Subset Sum:, Word Break
Dear Developers!
Welcome to day 43 of my coding journey.
Hello, Developers! Moving ahead into the forty third day of this challenge and last day. It was yet another promising day full of adrenaline from advanced problems that stretched my coding skills to a proverbial new level.
Here are the highlights for my coding challenge problems:
1. Unique Paths II:
This Went inside the grid to count the unique paths around obstacles. Used dynamic programming for charting the traversal of the grid - mapped out all the possible routes, cunningly avoiding blocks, just like charting the way through a maze full of surprises!
2. Longest Increasing Subsequence:
In this problem, I look for a longest increasing subsequence in an array. Applying dynamic programming with binary search, I cleverly identified the increasing sequences, took a mess of numbers, and turned it into an elegant path of growth — find your beautiful trail through a dense forest!
3. Partition Equal Subset Sum:
It was a problem that asked me whether an array could be divided into two subsets with equal sums. Loved it - that's the most straightforward dynamic programming exercise ever, like balancing two scales so that both sides weigh equally while trying out all of these different combinations!
4. Word Break:
I dived into the strings and wrote code to check whether a given string could be broken up into a dictionary word sequence separated by spaces. Using dynamic programming with memoization, I methodically walked through possible word boundaries like piecing together a puzzle to find the hidden messages in the text itself.
"Programming is not about typing. It's about thinking." – Rich Hickey
Today, I learned that dynamic Programming algorithms help solve problems. These problems showed me how to use this method, and I’m excited to keep going tomorrow
Hope you had the same delight from reading about it. Go out there and keep exploring and finding solutions, curious and determined. The coding adventures and discoveries are yet to come.
#CodeYourDreams #FromLinesToLife #DebuggingMyWay #CraftingWithCode #SyntaxAndSuccess #BuildingWithBits #CodeAndConquer #LinesOfLegacy #InnovateWithCode #CodeIsArt