Competitive Programming 25??

Competitive Programming 25??

Hello Developers! ??

Welcome to day 25 of my coding journey.

Hello Developers! Pushing forwards into the twenty third day of this challenge. It was yet another promising day that was full of adrenaline from advanced problems that stretched my coding skills to a proverbial new level. Here is what the sack contained and some comments on each problem:

Highlight Promises:

  1. Stones Question: In this problem there was a variation of a well-known ‘stone game’ in which you were the one who had to control and use stones as per the requirements of the game. This task required our simulation and optimization skills to be very well practiced as it needed a better understanding of the relevant data structure and algorithm optimization.
  2. Partition Array: Divide the given array into continuous subarrays such that the difference between the sums of two subarrays is the minimum. Dynamic programming is used to get an optimized solution with efficient solutions, while greedy approach gives fast but not very accurate results.
  3. Token Management: Here, the problem is to manipulate arrays of some sort, where the overall number of tokens can be maximized or some operations can be performed subject to some kind of constraints. In fact, quite a few optimization algorithms are available which solve this problem pretty efficiently, depending on the particular constraints as well as on objectives.
  4. Next Greater Element: This problem involved finding the next greater element for each element in one array from another array. I used stack-based methods and preprocessing to devise efficient solutions, achieving linear time complexity relative to the size of the arrays.
  5. Flip Binary Array K Times: Sliding Window and prefix sum methods give an efficient solution, which generally works in linear time.
  6. Power Set: generating all possible subsets of a given set of elements. this problem helps in understanding backtracking and recursion. utilized recursion to generate the power set. and backtracking to help backing up the stored values in array of sequence set.

"The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it." — Dennis Ritchie

I hope you found these insights as engaging as I did. Keep exploring and solving problems with curiosity and determination. I’m looking forward to more coding adventures and discoveries!

Happy coding, and see you on Day 26! ??????

#CodingChallenge #AlgorithmPractice #DynamicProgramming #Recursion #ProblemSolving #TechJourney #SoftwareDevelopment #LearnToCode #CodingSkills #DataStructures #InnovateAndCreate #ProgrammingLife


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