Welcome to day 24 of my coding journey??
Today, all about practice problems on recursion and backtracking.
Here is a brief overview of problem that I worked on:
- Merge Strings Alternately: I approached the problem of merging two strings by alternating characters from each string. For example, when merging "abc" and "123" I obtained "a1b2c3". It was a fun exercise to discover ways of manipulating strings and indexing!
- Truncate a Sentence: I learned how to truncate a sentence to hold on to only the first few words. For example, from "The quick brown fox," I kept "The quick brown" when restricting it to three words. This is an excellent exercise in handling strings and splitting text effectively.
- Generate all valid combinations of parentheses: Generate all possible combinations of valid parentheses With 2 pairs of parentheses, output all of the following : "()", "(())", "()()" This problem helped me realize how to build various types in a way that every opening parenthesis has a matching closing parenthesis.
- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number : Generate all possible letter combinations that correspond to a phone number based on old phone keypads. For example, '2' maps to 'abc', so '23' generates combinations like "ad", "ae", "af", etc. Very creative way to think about combinations and permutations!
- Word Search: Implement the problem of determining whether a word is present in a letter grid analogous to a crossword puzzle. Check all four directions up, down, left, and right. Work Problems: This problem really honed my skill on searching algorithms and traversal of a grid.
well, I hope you found these insights as engaging as I did! Each problem presents a new opportunity to explore and expand our coding skills. Let’s keep pushing forward with curiosity and determination. Here’s to more coding adventures and exciting discoveries ahead!
Happy coding, and see you on Day 25! ??????
#CodingJourney #MergeStrings #SentenceTruncation #GenerateParentheses #PhoneCombinations #WordSearch #Recursion #Backtracking #AlgorithmicChallenges #ProblemSolving #ProgrammingSkills #TechGrowth #SoftwareEngineering