Competitive Programming 19??

Competitive Programming 19??

Day 19: Trapping rain water,max sum subarrays, answerkey and more!

Hello Developers! Today i'm excited to share the insights of today's journey. I am glad that i am observing constant improvement in me while coding and explaining the code.

Here is a brief information of what i did today:

  1. Trapping rain water: calculating how much water can be trapped in between bars of different heights after it rains. using twoPointers to track maximum heights on both sides of each bar we can calculate the trapped water.
  2. Maximum Sum Subarray (kadane’s algorithm): finding the contiguous subarray within a 1D array which has the largest sum. kadane’s Algorithm simplifies the problem to linear time complexity by maintaining a running sum and updating the maximum sum encountered during traversal.
  3. Answer Key: Here i used recursion and bactracking which simplifies the problem and efficiently handle comparsion operations and return maximum flips has been made.
  4. Spells and Potions: In this problem there are lists of spells and potions, and then how many potions each spell can neutralize based on given rules. This problem involves iterating through lists and applying conditions.Implementing binary search to efficiently determine the effectiveness of each spell against the potions.

These problems were great practice and consolidation of basics before moving to harder challenges.Each problem solved brings you closer to mastering coding challenges.

Remember Winston Churchill’s quote: “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

Stay curious, keep solving and let’s grow together! ??

#CodingJourney #TrappingRainWater #MaxSumSubarray #AnswerKey #Subsequence #SpellsAndPotions #LeetCodeEasy #AlgorithmBasics #ProgrammingSkills #TechGrowth #LearnToCode #TechPassion #ProblemSolving


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