Competitive Programming 16??

Competitive Programming 16??

Day 16: Graph Algorithms and Optimization.

Hello Programming Buddies??. Hope you are doing well Today i wanted to start learning a new topic that is graph algorithms and optimization.I tackled some of the problems based on my understandings.

Key concepts:

  • One problem was about topologics sorting so determinig if a graph can be sorted including all edge cases. I implemented Kahn’s Algorithm and Depth-First Search (DFS) to validate if a given graph has a valid topological order. It was fascinating to see how this approach can be used to solve scheduling and dependency problems.
  • Other problem states number of connected components in an undirected graph. So for this problem i applied depth-first search (DFS) to explore each component and track the number of distinct connected groups within the graph and counted the number of connected components in an undirected graph.
  • I learnt how to determine if a graph forms a valid tree. I checked if the graph is connected and acyclic by employing union-find data structure to manage and merge sets also ensuring the graph meets the correct criteria of the tree.

These problems were a great exercise in applying graph algorithms and optimization techniques.

Looking forward to solve more problems on Graph Algorithms and deeping my understanding over graph algorithms.Until then continue to code, face the challenges,and see you soon for more programming fun!??

"The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph." - George Washington

#CodingJourney #GraphAlgorithms #Optimization #AlgorithmChallenges #ProgrammingSkills #TechGrowth #SoftwareEngineering #LearnToCode #CodeDaily #TechPassion #DeveloperMindset #ProblemSolving #CodingPractice


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