Competitive Intelligence Strategy - Part 1

Competitive Intelligence Strategy - Part 1

This first part of the "Competitive Intelligence Strategy"

Why spend years testing marketing campaigns when competitors have already done the heavy lifting (and spending) for you? And why do that when you can use free software to get all the information in a few days?

This isn’t copying... it’s a market research and competitor analysis.

Before you start to build out your ads, landing pages, and sales copy, spy on your competition to reverse-engineer their business models and their strategies to make it easier to create your growth strategy.

You can use software tools to analyze their site, their funnels, ads, copy, spend, traffic sources, and customer demographics. Gather the information, use screenshots and data to give you a clear vision of what your competitors are doing you can match them and ethically steal their customers.

Here’s how...

Competitor Intelligence Tools

There are a number of competitor intelligence tools at our disposal that you should use to give you a complete picture.

I’ll show you some tools, and how you should be using them.

The tools below will give you information on where your competitors' traffic is coming from i.e. email, Facebook ads, search, banner ads, etc. And, you can find the landing pages so you can see their offers and designs, etc.

You should read this section first to get an overview of what you can do. Then you can go back and dive into the different steps.

As this is research-based... make sure you take screenshots and notes of whatever golden information you are finding. Keep it all in a document so you can refer back to it without having to repeat the process.

*Note: When you are going through the upcoming tools to gather information... Don’t get overwhelmed by all the data! Don’t go crazy and dive into hundreds of competitors. That will only cause analysis paralysis, make you freak out, and get confused at where to start. The idea is to get an understanding of your competitive landscape. Get an overview and insight before starting your own campaigns and figuring out what it would take if you were to try and compete with the big companies. Then... live by the ‘GetShit Done’ motto and start testing things asap by getting into the Build, Measure, Learn cycle.

Ad Copy & Landing Pages: Facebook

Let’s get straight to Facebook. This is a world you'll need to get very familiar with if you aren't already. Your competitors are much more likely to be running Facebook ads simply because they are much cheaper and more effective (in most cases) than other ad channels. We go into detail about how you can use Facebook, but first, let's see how your competitors use it.

1)?Go straight over to , type in the name of your competitor, and select their profile page

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2) Once on the page, click the 'Filter By' tab and select the country you want to view.

3) Then you’ll see the feed of all the ads that the page is running. You’ll see the copy, images, videos, call to action, comments, and likes, etc. We don’t see the performance of the ads but you’ll often see the number of ads that a page is running which allows you to get a feel for what images work best etc.

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4) As with AdWords, and as I’ve already repeated numerous times so far in the strategy... go check out the landing pages they are linking to.

Facebook is used by most businesses to promote not only their main products but also their lead magnets and tripwires which is something I’ll be covering in upcoming sections. This is the time to find out exactly what your competitors are doing so you can get ideas for yourself.

Feel free to come back to this section when you have a better idea of who and what you want to spy on.

5) REMEMBER... TAKE SCREENSHOTS & SAVE THEM! Then create your own swipe file of competitor information.

Inside Your Competitor's sales funnel...

So, I am going to speak in detail about the sales funnel and how to set up a sales funnel in the later stages of the strategy, but while you are doing all of this competitive intelligence building, you want to get inside the sales funnel of your competitors too. This is the perfect point to do so.

You have taken screenshots of their ads and their landing pages so far, now make sure you are capturing their offers, their products, their call to action, and price points.

While you are doing this... Signup for their offers with your email address! Sign up for their free giveaways, their newsletters, and even purchase their products!

Create a separate account so your inbox doesn’t get bombarded with emails from all of your competitors. And once the emails start coming through, make a note of them. Save them. Analyze them. What copy are they using? When are they sending out emails? Do they make you want to open them or click on their links etc?

Now...?make a list of what they are offering by answering the questions below:

1. What are the free offers (lead magnets) that your competitors are giving away to capture leads? I.e. Free weekly newsletter? Free e-Book? Free Guides? Free Trial? Webinar? Free Consultation?

2. What Digital products are your competitors selling and at what price points? Do they have membership subscriptions? Courses? Guides? e-Books? These can be on monthly subscriptions or one-time costs. If it’s a software service or membership etc, do they have tiered pricing? If you’re a physical goods business don’t dismiss this, still, check to see if competitors are offering digital offers too. A magazine or newspaper can also charge digital membership fees or an e-commerce store can sell guides and courses.

3. What Physical Products are your competitors selling and at what price points? Similar to the point above. If you are an e-commerce or subscription box store what are your competitor's products and price points? And... if you’re a digital product(info, saas, memberships, etc.) what are your competitors selling in the physical world? Many info products deliver hard copies of their books, magazines, USB sticks, or Tee Shirts out to their customers for example.

4. Do they provide any services? This can be consulting services or done-for-you services. Weight Loss products often have consulting services as available packages on top of their core products.

5. Do they have referral programs or affiliate programs? Referral and affiliate programs are great tactics to get other people to promote your product. You’ll likely see links in the footer of their website or after you buy one of their products. Look around. See what the referral or affiliate offer is and take note.

... I hope you've enjoyed reading this first part of the "Competitive Intelligence Strategy" series. Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow... to Identify & Reverse Engineer Your Competitors.

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Safwan Rahman, Growth Marketer

