No Competition.
Anshul Goyal
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If you truly are on the journey to know yourself and explore your own path in life, there is no sense or place for supposed comparison to others.
Although counter-intuitive at first, this makes sense once you understand that your natural intention since birth, without external heterosuggestion, has always been to simply express your own self. The first benchmark that you set for yourself as you embark on a new exciting journey, whether to achieve a particular skill or experience, is always your own initial state at time=0, effort=0. Since you always start from zero, true bliss lies in your own breakthrough from zero to one.
This feeling of zen, as you break through the thin but tough glass shield of unfamiliarity, is yours and yours alone. You are at your best when you express?thyself?naturally, without allowing external references mar your own creativity and ability to express yourself at the highest level.
Our subconscious mind has tremendous intelligence and is a storehouse of countless creative ideas. All we have to do is look within. A person/group who believes in self, has no need for reference on competition or comparison, for it only serves to limit one’s own perspective and ability. We only do ourselves justice when we offer our own natural energies the complete freedom to create our present and future being, unhindered by external influences.
We deny ourselves the pleasure and freedom to tread our own fresh paths as we fence them with others’ past experiences, present suggestions and future speculations. Then the only trail that remains, reeks of replication, mediocrity and prolonged unfulfillment.
It becomes our natural duty, for the sake of our own self and the people around us, to express our best creative ability and not be a mere instrument of duplication, ensuring a continuous cycle of renewed purpose and ambition in life.
Thank you, bless.
Hope this answers the question : “How are you better than others?” :: “We don’t know. We have done it.”