Larry Herring - CSM,CCSM
Director Customer Success | Professional Services | Global Service Delivery | Expert in Delivering Customer Success Directly or Through Leading High-Performing Global Teams.
Do you really focus on your day to day work or do you just let the day go by? A competent person does what they do well, continually persevering & distilling what's best - and they stop doing what they don't do well. Does that describe you? Do you focus your energy on what you can do well so that you become highly competent at it? Can your teammates depend on you to deliver in such a way that it brings the entire team success? If not, you may need to get better focused and develop the skills you need so that you can do your job and do it well. To improve your competence I have tried the following:
Focus yourself professionally. It's hard to develop competence if you're trying to do everything. Pick an area in which to specialize. What is the one thing that brings your skills, interests, & opportunities? Whatever it is, seize it.
Sweat the small stuff. Too many people don't take their work as far as they can. To do that you need to develop the ability to get all the details right. That doesn't mean becoming a micro-manager or control freak. It means doing the last 10% of whatever job you're doing. Try doing that on the next project or big task that is your responsibility.
Give more attention to implementation. Since the implementation is often the most challenging part of any job, give it greater attention. How can you improve the gap between coming up with ideas and putting them into practice? Get your teammates together and discuss how you can improve the process. Bring exceptional focus to your work today.