Competence Framework Update
IMCA (Ireland)
The LinkedIn home for the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers
As a member of IMCA (Ireland) , you likely know that we are one of 51 countries which are members of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes ( ICMCI ). They recently adopted an expanded Competence Framework. The changes to the Competence Framework are exciting and we are sharing three key parts herein. If you are interested in the details behind this summary, please go to? complete details of the Competence Framework.
Definition of Management Consultant:
First, ICMCI has redefined management consulting to be more inclusive. Their definition is:?“A management consultant shall be defined as [1] one who helps organisations to solve issues, create value, maximise growth and improve performance [2] through the application of their knowledge, techniques and assets [3] to provide objective advice, expertise and specialist skills which the organisation may be lacking.”
Further, they add: “This definition shall include those consultants who work alone as a singleton, as a partner or employee of a practice or firm and those who work as internal consultants in an organisation or government body whose primary purpose is not management consultancy.”?
Code of Professional Conduct:
The Code of Conduct describes the rules of engagement that management consultants have in the greater community as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional roles. It has five main parts to your responsibility – to the Client, to Society, to the Organisation you work for, to those you work with, and to the consultancy profession itself. Each of the five has multiple sub responsibilities.
Competency Framework:
The competence framework is rearranged and expanded. The rearrangement simply moved subparts to different competencies. The expanded competence involves an expanded section on obligations to Society. Of note are the two sections of G1, Sustainability & Corporate and Social Responsibility.
All these, and perhaps other changes will be rolled out to you over the next several months, as we update the website and other collateral material. You will be noticing that these changes are accompanied by changes in some graphics.
We are excited about these changes and hope you see there are positive implications embedded to you, your practice, and how you market and conduct engagements. Consider, at a minimum, how adherence to a Code of Ethics, and now a Code of Conduct, separates you and your practice from other consultants in the eyes of your prospect!
Any queries please contact IMCA Adminstration - [email protected]