Compete with yourself
Competition has its own value and elegance. When competition stays within and it is against one’s own self, it bears in itself a magnificent victory. What usually people fail to understand is that the moment they start pushing their fellow members down, it turns into an incompetency and on the contrary lifts others up. Mature leaders understand that learning can come from their juniors as well, or in fact being fresh in industry, they may outdo in some aspects too. Professionally mature leaders possess capability to identify their strengths and utilize them accordingly.
‘Simon Sinek’, a leading entrepreneur of present era described how Microsoft and Apple differ when it comes to brainstorming sessions of launching their ideas. Microsoft, in their sessions were trying to defend their products against others in the market whereas Apple came up with improvement ideas of their own products in the market.
The difference seems minimal. But the impact it creates does wonders in consequences. This is to understand that the same phenomenon applies on every individual. Invest in yourself. There is always a room for improvement and the good news is that integrity comes when you allow yourself to accept the fact that there is no such noun as “perfect” for human beings. Learning has no limit and development in just any area has its profound effects. Why understanding this is important is because the human brain works alternatively. The world in general is accustomed to see and unconsciously relieve on peoples’ suffering, trauma or even a minor pain. The realization needs to be planted in every soul that appreciation and acknowledgment are the absolute mirage of your very own personality. The moment the brain is rewired according to this ideology, you tend to create miraculous affirmations of success in every walk of life both with yourself and your fellows in competition.
The competition is then win over.