Complexity is an ever-present obstacle in any business. Managing complex systems is a core competency to successfully run any business. The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is a simple tool to perform both the analysis and the management of complex systems. It enables the user to model, visualize, and analyze the dependencies among the entities of any system and derive suggestions for the improvement or synthesis of a system.
Design Structure Matrix (DSM, also known as Dependency and Structure Modelling ) techniques support the management of complexity by focusing attention on the elements of a complex system and how they relate to each other. DSM‐based techniques have proven to be very valuable in understanding, designing, and optimizing complex system architectures such as those of products, organizations, and processes.
DSM and Project Management
- "A Practical Tool for Scheduling Interrelated Activities," Hamdi Bashir, Salah Haridy, Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, and Imad Alsyouf,?Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 10-12, 2020
- "A Structured Approach to Form Dependency Structure Matrix for Construction Projects," J. Uma Maheswari, and Koshy Varghese, 22nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction ISARC?2005?- September 11-14, 2005
Digital Twin and Design Structure Matrix
- "Product family design and optimization: a digital twin-enhanced approach," Pai Zhenga and?Kendrik Yan Hong Lim,?53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2020.
DSM Thesis and Conference Proceedings
- "Proceedings of the 23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling (DSM) Conference, Harold (Mike) StoweTyson R. BrowningSteven D. Eppinger, Jakob Trauer (Eds.), 12-14 October 2021
- "Proceedings of the 20th International Dependency and Structure Modeling (DSM) Conference," Carlo Leardi, Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Lucía Becerril
- (Eds.) 15-17 October 2018.
- "Proceedings of the 21st International Dependency and Structure Modeling (DSM) Conference," Harold (Mike) Stowe, Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Jintin Tran
- Paulo Montijo, (Eds.) 23-25 September 2019.
- "Application of the Design Structure Matrix to integrated product development process," Yonas Nebiyeloul-Kifle, MIT, 2005
- "Design Structure Matrix: Models, Application and Data Exchange Format," Rumana Quashem, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, 2015.
- Case Studies in DSM: Utilizing the Design Structure Matrix to Improve New Product Introduction, Julie W. Go, MIT June 2007
DSM Systems Engineering, Tools, and Product Development?
- "Economic Analysis of Model-Based Systems Engineering," Azad M. Madni and Shatad Purohit,?Systems?7, 12, 2019
- "Model-Based Design Structure Matrix: Deriving a DSM from an Object-Process Model," Amira Sharon, Dov Dori, and Olivier de Weck,?Second International Symposium on Engineering Systems, MIT June 15-17, 2009
- "Interface-Component Model (I-CM) as a System Design Tool for an SE Toolset with DSM," Yordan Tuzsuzov,?23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference,?DSM 2021.
- "Design Analysis Method for Multidisciplinary Complex Product using SysML," Jihong Liu, Shude Wang, and Chao Fu, MATEC Web of Conferences 139, 00014 (2017) ICMITE 2017.
- "An Analysis of Design Process Models Across Disciplines," Gericke K. and Blessing L.?International Design Conference - Design 2012, Dubrovnik - Croatia, May 21-24, 2012.
- "Analysing interdependencies of complex engineering systems using a digital twin-driven design structure matrix," Long Chen and Jennifer White,?Construction Research Congress 2020: Computer Applications, 2020.
- "Interface-Component Model (I-CM) as a system design tool for an SE toolset with DSM," Yordan Tuzsuzov, 23rd International Dependency, and Structural Modeling Conference, DSM 2012, 12-14 October 2021.
- "Analysis and Applications of Design Structure Matrix, Domain Mapping, and Engineering System Matrix Framework," J Bartolomei, M. Cokus, J. Dahlgren, R. de Neufville, D. Maldonado, and J. Wilds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Systems Engineering Division.
- "Applying the Design Structure Matrix to System Decomposition and Integration Problem: A review and New Directions," Tyson Browing,?IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, September 2001.
- "Applying DSM to Enterprise Architectures," Frank Waldman and Neeraj Sangal,?9th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, DSM 07.
- DSMLs for Enterprise Architecture Management," Heiko Kattenstroth.
- "Visualizing and Measuring Enterprise Architecture: An Exploratory BioPharma Case," Robert Lagerstr?m Carliss Baldwin Alan MacCormack David Dreyfus, Working Paper, 13-105, June 28, 2013.?Harvard Business School.
- "Improving Scale Agile with Multi-Domain Matrix," Nithin Narayanan, Nitin Joglekar, and Steven Eppinger, 23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference DSM 2021, Montréal, Canada, 12-14 October 2021.
- "Managing Iteration in Product Development Process Using Dependency Structure Matrix," C A Shajahan,?Journal of Physics: International Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, ICAME' 18, 2019.
- "The Structure of Agile Development Under Scaled Planning and Coordination," Siddharth Bajpai, Steven D. Eppinger, and Nitin R. Joglekar,?21st International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, DSM 2019.
- "Integration of BIM and DSM to Improve Design Process in Building Construction Projects," Jeevan Jacob and Koshy Vargjess,?13th International Dependency and StructureModelling Conference, DMS 11, September 14-15, 2011.
DSM and Systems Engineering
- ?"Applying the Design Structure Matrix to SystemDecomposition and Integration Problems: A Review and New Directions," Tyson Browing,?IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management?Vol. 48, No. 3, August 2001.
- "Design Structure Matrix-Based Modularization Approach for Complex Systems with Multiple Design Constraints," Kaushik Sinha, Seok-Youn Han, and Eun Suk Suh,?Systems Engineering, 2020 23:211-220.
- "DSM-Based Methods to Represent Specialization Relationships?in a Concept Framework," Yaroslave Menshenin and Edward Crawley,?20th International Dependency and Structural Modeling Conference, DSM 2018, October 15-17 2018
- "Application of Process Modeling Tools to Ship Design," David A. Helgerson, Seth Cooper, and Frank Waldman, NAVSEA, May 2011.
- "Application of a Markov Model to the Measurement, Simulation, and Diagnosis of an Iterative Design Process," Eric W. Johnson, Luis A. Castillo, and Jay B. Brockman, 33rd Design Automation Conference, 1996.
- "An Introduction to the ROSETTA Modeling Process for Advanced Space Transportation Technology Investment," Andrew M. Crocker, A. C. Charania, and John R. Olds,?Space 2001 Conference & Exposition, 2001
- "A Model for Dependency-Oriented Prototyping in the Agile Development of Complex Technical Systems," Michael Riesener, Eric Rebentisch, Christian D?lle, Sebastion Schloseer, Maximillain Kuhn, Jan Radermacher, and Günther Schuh,?29th CIRP Design, 2019.
- "A Framework for Studying Cost Growth on Complex Acquisition Programs," Morgan Dwyer, Bruce Cameron, and Zoe Szajnfarber, Volume 18, Issue 6,?Systems Engineering, 21 January 2016.
- "A DSM-Based Framework for Integrating Function Modelling Concept, Application and Evaluation," Boris Eisenbart, Killan Gericke, T. M. Lucienne, and Tim C. McAloone, Technical University of Denmark, September 24, 2018.
- "Managing complex product development projects what design structure matrices and domain mapping matrices," Mike Danilovic and Tyson R. Browning,?International Journal of Project Management, 25, pp. 300-314, 2007
- "Managing Project Structural Complexity by Integrating Facility Management in Planning, Designing, and Execution of High-End Facility Upgrades," Audrey Marie Bascoul, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Fall 2017.
- "Design of Complex Engineered Systems and the Effectiveness of Organizational Networks," Bryan Still, University of Rhode Island, 2018.
- "Complex Service Process Optimization Based on SErvice Touchpoint Association and the Design Structure Matrix," Zhonghang Bai, Chang Liu, Huihui Sun, and Man Ding,?Complexity, Volume 2021.
- "Qualitative Knowledge Construction for Engineering Systems: Extending the Design Structure Matrix Methodology in Scope and Procedure," Jason E. Bartolomei, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 23 July 2007.
- "Pattern of ties in problem-solving networks and their dynamic properties," Dan Barha,?Scientific Reports, 2020.
- "Complex Project Interface and Technology Risk Assessment Utilizing DSM Methods for Indian Space Exploration Mission," Venkatesan Sundararajan,?American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,?
- "Discrete-Modeling in Process Components Interactions Using the Design Structure Matrix," Klaus J. Diepolld, Franz J. Winkler, and Boris Lohmann,?Proceedings MATHMOD 09, 2009.
- "Using the?Design Structure Matrix to Plan Complex Design Projects," Capt. Norber Doerry, USN.
- "Reducing Software Complexity by Hidden Structure Analysis: Methods for Improving MOdularity and Decrease Ambiguity of Software Systems," Oscar Bjuhr, and Klas Segeljakt, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,?Stock holm Sweden, 2016.
- "The Design Structure Matrix: A Tool for Managing Complexity," Tyson Browing,?Scientific American Blog Network,?September 15, 2012.
- "Complex Concurrent Engineering and the Design Structure Matrix," All Yassine and Dan Braha,?Concurrent Engineering:L Research and Applications, Volume 11, Number 3, September 2003.
- Improving Reliability of Complex Systems Using Analyses Obtained Through Design Structure Matrix and Interactive Failure Detection Procedures," Mahdi Karbasian, Farzane Sharifi, Mohammad Hussein Karimi Govareshki, Morteza Kazerooni,?International Journal of Reliability, Risk, Safety: Theory and Application, Vol. 4, Issues 1, 2021. pp. 39-45
DSM and Risk Management
- "Utilizing Uncertainty Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Conceptual Design of Space Systems," Wen Yao, Jian Guo, Xiaoqian Chen, Michel van Tooren,?8th Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 17-19, 2010.
- "Simulating the Impact of Activity Uncertainties and Risk Combinations in R&D Projects," Ali Chenarani, E. A. Druzhinin, and D. N. Kritskiy,?Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 10 (4) 2017, 1-9
- "Risk Management using Dependency Structure Matrix," Ivan Paetkovi?, University of NI?
- "Risk Dependency Analysis (RDA) in Complex Projects," Franci Caron and Flippo Frataoni, Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2014-2018.?
- "Project Risk Management Processes: Improving Coordination using a Clustering Approach," Franck Marle, Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal,?Research in Engineering Design, Springer Verlag, 2011, 22, pp. 189-206
- "Project Risk Identification Based on the Interaction of Risk from the Approach of Multi-Agent Simulation, Peng Huang, Peng Di, and Jinrui Li?4th International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering4th International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering,?IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 242 (2019) 052053
- "Potential Applications of DSM Principles in Project Risk Management," Franck Marle and Ludovoc-Alexandre Vidal,?10th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, 11-12 November 2008.
- "Network theory-based analysis of risk interactions in large engineering projects," Chao Fang, Franck Marle, Enrico Zio, Jean-Claude Bocquet, 22 October 2015.
- "Modeling and Analyzing Propagation Behavior in Complex Risk Network: A Decision Support System for Project Risk Management," Chao Fang, Ph. D. Thesis, Ecole Centrale Des Arts et Manufactures, 02 Décembre 2011.
- "Modeling and Analysis of Propagation Risks in Complex Projects: Application to the Development of New Vehicles," M. Hadi Kamal Jaber, Ph.D. Thesis, Universite Paris-Saclay, 11 March 2016.
- "Interactions-based Risk Network Simulation for Project Risk Prioritization," Chao Fang and Franck Marle,?PMI Research Conference: Defining the Future of Project Management, 2010.?
- "Interactions-based risk clustering methodologies and algorithms for complex project management," Franck. Marle, Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal, and Jean-Claude Bocquet, Laboratoire Genie Industriel, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, FRANCE 28 Sep 2015.
- "Evaluating the Risk of Change Propagation, Arman Oduncuoglu and Vince Thomson,?International Conference in Engineering Design, ICED 11m 15-18 August 2011, Technical University of Denmark.?
- "Clustering Project Risks According to Their Interactions," Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal and Franck Marle, 8th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation - MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia.
- "A Simulation-Based Risk Network Model for Decision Support in Project Risk Management," Chao Fang and Franck Marle, Laboratoire Genie Industriel, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92295, Chatenay-Malabry, France, 30 September 2015.
- "A Complex Systems Perspective of Risk Mitigation and Modeling in Development and Acquisition Programs," Roshanak Rose Nilchiani and Antonio Pugliese,?Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, April 30, 2016
- "A Mathematical Model for Selecting the Project Risk Responses in Construction Projects," R. Soofifard, M. Khakzar Bafruei, and M. Gharib,?International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 8(4), 2018, pp 601-624.
- "A New Approach to Project Risk Responses?Selection with Inter-Dependent Risk," R. Sofifard and M. Gharib,?International Journal of Engineering, Volume 30, Number 5, pp. 720-728, May 2017.
- "Dealing with Project Complexity by Matrix-Based Propagation Modelling for Project Risk Analysis," Chao Fang and Frank Marle,?Journal of Design Engineering, 2021.
- "An integrated framework for risk response planning under resource constraints in large engineering projects," Chao Fang, Franck Marle, and Enrico Zio,?IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, February 2013.?
- "An Approach to Innovation in Risk Systems," W.F. Barkhuizen, J.H.C. Pretorius, and L. Pretorius,?ISEM 2011 Proceedings, September 21-23, 2011.
- "An integrated systems approach to risk management within a technology driven industry, using the Design Structure Matrix and Fuzzy Logic," W.F. Barkhuizen, J.H.C. Pretorius and L. Pretorius,?South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, July 2012, Vol. 23 (2), pp. 202-214.
- "Assessing the Impacts of Uncertainty Propagation to System Requirements by Evaluating Requirement Connectivity," Alejandro Salado and Roshanak Nilchiano,?INCOSE International Symposium?23(1):647-661
DSM and Business Process Modeling
- "A Design Structure Matrix Approach for Generating Planning Abstraction Hierarchies," Esra Aleisa and Li Linn,?Kuwait Journal of Science Engineering, 1B, pp. 203-224, 2010.
- "A DSM-Based Validation Tool for Leveraging Optimization of Internal Control," Denise Hunter, Carl Dister, Bill Klinger, and Tyson Browing,?23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 12-14 October 2021.
DSM, Project Management and Scheduling
- "An empirical study of collaborative capacity evaluation and scheduling optimization for a CPD project," Xiaolei Wang, Tiejun Ci, Sang-Bing Tsai, Aijun Liu, Quan Chen, PLOS ONE August 1, 2018.
- "Information Flow Scheduling in Concurrent Multi-Product Development Based on DSM," Qing-Chao Sun, Wei-Qiang Huang, Ying-Jie Jiang, Wei Sun, Chinese Journal Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 30:1101-1111.
- "Project scheduling for collaborative product development using DSM," Chun-Hsien Chen*, Shih Fu Ling, Wei Chen,?International Journal of Project Management 21 (2003)?291–299
- "A Practical Tool for Scheduling Interrelated Activities," Hamdi Bashir, Salah Haridy, Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, Imad Alsyouf,?Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, Dubai, UAE, March 10-12m 2020
- "A Combined Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and Discrete Differential Evolution (DDE) Approach for Scheduling and Organizing System Development Tasks Modelled using SysML," Sarayut Nonsiri, Fran?ois Christophe, Eric Coatanéa and Faisal Mokammel,?
- Transactions of the SDPS, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 2014,
- "A DSM-Based Validation Tool for Leveraging Optimization of Internal Control," Denise Hunter, Carl Dister, Bill Klinger, and Tyson Browing,?23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 12-14 October 2021.
- "Coordinating Synchronous Interdependent Decision in Complex Projects," Meriam Kilani, Frank Marle, Ludovic Alexandre Vidal,?23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 12-14 October 2021.
- "Critical Chain Design Structure Matrix Method for Construction Project Scheduling under Rework Scenarios," Guofeng Ma, Keke Hao, Yu Xiao, and Tiancheng Zhu,?Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2019, Article ID 1595628
- "Dedicated vs. shared resources in organizations: Modifying the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) to support consolidation decisions," Ali Yassine, Nicolay Worren, Tore Christiansen,?23rd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 12-14 October 2021.
- "Improving Project-Product Lifecycle Management with Model-Based Design Structure Matrix: A Joint Project Management and Systems Engineering Approach," Amira Sharon, Olivier L. de Weck, and Dov Dori,?Systems Engineering?Vol. 16, No. 4, 2013.
- Managing complex product development projects with design structure matrices and domain mapping matrices," Mike Danilovic and Tyson R. Browning,?International Journal of Project Management, 25, pp. 300-314, 2007.
- "Managing the Multiproject Environment," Mike Danilovic and H?kan B?rjesson,?The Third Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) International Workshop, Proceedings, October 29-30, 2001.
DSM and Software Development Methods
- "Digital Engineering Models of Complex Systems using Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) from Enterprise Architecture (EA) to Systems of Systems (SoS) Architectures & Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)," Roy Tsui, Devin Davis, and John Sahlin,?28th Annual INCOSE Internation Symposium, July 7 - 12, 2018.
- "Methodology for iterative system modeling in agile product development," Michael Riesener, Christian Doelle, Stefan Peru, Philipp Lossie, and Guenther Schuh,?31st CIRP Design Conference 2021.?
- "Identifying and Analyzing Dependencies in and among Complex Cyber-Physical Systems," Aida Akbarzadeh and Sokratis Katsikas,?Sensors 21, 1685,?
Portfolio Planning & Delivery | PMP | P3O Practitioner | AgilePM Practitioner | Six Sigma | Project Data Modelling | PredAptivePM
2 年Glen Alleman Great collection. Thanks for sharing. If to read one paper per week, it takes 2 years to read them all :) What are the top 3 'must read' papers would you recommend starting from?