When some hear about the Guild, there is so much it's difficult to explain without an indepth discussion. Each line item below repesents a subject matter including the knowledge of a Guild Fellow. With this you know a little more about me.


1.1.  Module 01-1-Introduction to Managing Project Controls

1.1.1. THE PURPOSE...

1.1.2. The 10,000 meter, 1,000 meter, 100 meter and Working Level view

1.1.3. THE PROCESS - THE "10,000 METER VIEW"...

1.1.4. Enterprise Organizational Grand Strategies

1.1.5. Organizational Policies, Practices and Procedures, Stakeholder Expectations

1.1.6. The Asset Lifespan, The Portfolios of Assets, Portfolios Of Projects

1.1.7. The Project Life Span & The Project Controls Life Span

1.1.8. Involvement of Cost Engineer / Business Analyst / Systems Engineering

1.1.9. The Decision Support Packages (DSP) & The Go / No Go Decision

1.1.10.          The Phases of The Asset and Project Life Span / Life Cycle

1.1.11.          THE PROCESS - THE "1,000 METER VIEW"...

1.1.12.          The Building Block Approach, Continuous Process Improvement / Lessons Learned

1.1.13.          The Project Management Processes

1.1.14.          THE PROCESS - THE "100 METER VIEW"...

1.1.15.          The Managing Project Controls Process Map


1.1.17.          The Managing Project Controls Process Maps defined and explained


1.1.19.          Project Controls Organization Structures; Organizational, Departmental or PMO

1.1.20.          Center of Excellence / Center of Competency, Project Controls Career Path

1.1.21.          The Ideal Project Controls Organization Structure

1.2.  Module 01-2-Develop the Project Controls Policies & Procedures Manual

1.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

1.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

1.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

1.3.  Module 01-3-Developing the Project Controls Plan

1.3.1. The Inputs to the Project Controls Plan / Process

1.4.  Module 01-4-Executing the Project Controls Plan

1.4.1. Executing the Plan to Control the Project

1.5.  Module 01-5-Controlling the Project Controls Plan

1.5.1. Managing / Controlling the Plan to Control the Project

1.6.  Module 01-6-Closing the Project Controls Plan

1.6.1. Closing Out / Lessons Learned from the Plan to Control the Project


2.1.1. Introduction to Managing People

2.1.2. The Purpose of Managing People

2.1.3. The Process of Managing People

2.1.4. Background Information for Managing People

2.2.  Develop the Project Controls Career Path Development Plan

2.2.1. Career Path Progression

2.2.2. Knowledge and Competencies Assessment Map

2.2.3. Competency of Training Providers and their Trainers

2.3.  Module 02-3 - Developing Individual Competencies

2.3.1. Inter-personal Skills

2.3.2. Intra-personal Skills

2.3.3. Technical Competencies of Project Controls Professionals

2.3.4. Measuring and Assessing Competency

2.3.5. Communications

2.3.6. Monitoring and Controlling Communications

2.4.  Developing Management Competencies

2.4.1. Understanding Management Theory

2.4.2. Management Pioneers

2.4.3. Modern Functions of Management

2.4.4. Defining Management ‘soft skills’

2.4.5. Decision Support and Decision Making

2.5.  Developing Organizational Competencies

2.5.1. Organizational Culture

2.5.2. Creating and Marinating a Corporate Culture

2.5.3. Project Management Offices

2.5.4. Supporting the Project Management Team

2.6.  Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders

2.6.1. Stakeholders Identified Defining “Success”

2.6.2. Stakeholder Theory

2.6.3. Six Types or Categories of Stakeholder

2.6.4. Ethics for Project Control Professionals

2.6.5. Use of the Logical Framework Approach

2.6.6. Negotiation


3.1.  Module 03-1 - Introduction to Managing Scope

3.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Scope

3.1.2. The Process of Managing Scope

3.1.3. Background Information for Managing Scope

3.2.  Module 03-2 - Developing the Scope Management Policies & Procedures Manual

3.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

3.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

3.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

3.3.  Module 03-3 - Validate Stakeholder Expectations

3.3.1. Validation (vs. Verification)

3.3.2. Assumption Testing

3.3.3. Risk Profiling

3.4.  Module 03-4 - Creating the Work Breakdown Structure

3.4.1. Decomposition

3.4.2. Standardized WBS Structure

3.4.3. Building Information Modelling (BIM)

3.5.  Module 03-5 - Creating the Control Accounts

3.5.1. The Creating the Control Accounts Process

3.5.2. Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) or Responsibility Accountability Charts (RACI)

3.5.3. Work Authorization

3.6.  Module 03-6 - Accepting Completed Deliverables

3.6.1. Physical Inspections (work must be physically complete)

3.6.2. Quality Assurance / Quality Control

3.6.3. Contractual “shall” Clauses

3.6.4. Substantial Completion vs. Substantial Performance

3.6.5. Beneficial Use or Beneficial Occupancy

3.6.6. Punch Lists / Snag List / Defects List

3.6.7. Certificates of Completion / Certificates of Final Acceptance


4.1.  Module 04-1 - Introduction to Managing Risk & Opportunity

4.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Risk & Opportunity

4.1.2. The Process of Managing Risk & Opportunity

4.1.3. Background Information for Managing Risk & Opportunity

4.2.  Module 04-2 - Develop the Risk & Opportunity Policies & Procedures Manual

4.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

4.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

4.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

4.3.  Module 04-3 - Identify Risks / Opportunities

4.3.1. The Work Breakdown Structure

4.3.2. Primary and Secondary Risk Analysis

4.3.3. Brainstorming or Expert Opinion

4.3.4. Force Field or SWOT Analysis

4.3.5. Risk / Opportunity “Triggers” or Early Warning Signs

4.3.6. Risk / Opportunity Categories, Risk / Opportunity Owner

4.3.7. Internal vs. External Risk / Opportunity

4.3.8. Systemic vs. Project Risk / Opportunity

4.4.  Assess, Categorize, Prioritize and Quantify Risks or Opportunities

4.4.1. Estimated Monetary Impact, Amount at Stake or Consequence

4.4.2. Quantitative Probability of Event Occurring

4.4.3. PERT Formula (Project or Program Evaluation and Review Technique), The z Tables

4.4.4. Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

4.4.5. Monte Carlo Simulation

4.4.6. Ranked Ordering Using Expected Monetary Value

4.5.  Module 04-5 - Risk / Opportunity Response Strategies and Tactics

4.5.1. Risk: Avoidance, Transfer, Reduction / Mitigation & Risk Acceptance

4.5.2. Opportunity: Exploit, Enhance, Spreading / Sharing, Ignore & Buffers vs Contingency

4.5.3. Decision Trees Using Expected Monetary Value

4.6.  Module 04-6 - Risk/Opportunity Monitoring and Control

4.6.1. Statistical Process Control Charts (SPC)

4.6.2. Pareto Analysis

4.6.3. Process Capability Analysis

4.6.4. Accuracy vs Precision vs Reliable Data

4.6.5. Contingency Draw Down Graphs


5.1.  Module 05-1 - Introduction to Managing Contracts

5.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Contracts

5.1.2. The Process of Managing Contracts

5.1.3. Background Information for Managing Contracts

5.2.  Module 05-2 - Develop the Contracting Policies & Procedures Manual

5.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

5.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

5.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

5.3.  Module 05-3 - Select Project Delivery Method/Contract Type

5.3.1. Contract Types

5.3.2. Project Delivery Methods

5.4.  Module 05-4 - Tendering & Bidding the Project

5.4.1. Tendering - Owners Perspective

5.4.2. Bid Shopping/Bid Peddling

5.4.3. Reverse Auctions

5.4.4. Filed Sub Bids or Nominated Subcontractors

5.4.5. Tendering - Contractors Perspective

5.4.6. Contractors Cost Estimating, Budgeting and Bidding Process

5.4.7. Contractor Bidding Strategies and Gamesmanship

5.4.8. Agreement

5.4.9. Notice to Proceed (NTP)

5.5.  Module 05-5 - Managing the Contract (Owner & Contractor)

5.5.1. What is a Contract? Enforceable Contract

5.5.2. Types of Authority, Kinds of Contracts?

5.5.3. Change, Notification

5.5.4. Breach of Contract, what are the DEFENSES to a Breach of Contract claim?

5.5.5. Termination, Types of Monetary Damage Awards

5.5.6. Types of Delays

5.5.7. Submittal of Deliverables for Acceptance

5.5.8. Billing / Getting Paid Under the Contract

5.5.9. Substantial Completion vs Substantial Performance, Punch Lists or Snag List

5.5.10.          Beneficial Use or Beneficial Occupancy

5.5.11.          Certificate of Completion / Certificate of Final Acceptance

5.6.  Module 05-6 - Closing the Contract (Owner & Contractor)

5.6.1. Guarantees and Warranties

5.6.2. Letters of Final Acceptance

5.6.3. Liens and Release of Liens

5.6.4. Change Orders, Claims and Back charges Resolved

5.6.5. Training, Operating Manuals and Operator Training Completed

5.6.6. Spare Parts, Keys, Security Badges handed over to Owner


6.1.  Module 06-1 - Introduction to Managing Resource Acquisition / Allocation

6.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Resource Acquisition / Allocation

6.1.2. The Process of Managing Risk & Opportunity

6.1.3. Background Information for Managing Risk & Opportunity

6.2.  Module 06-2 - Develop the Resource Policies & Procedures Manual

6.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

6.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

6.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

6.3.  Module 06-3 - Acquiring Manpower for the Project

6.3.1. Local Hire Requirements / Minority Set Asides

6.3.2. Safety, Health and the Environment (SH&E)

6.3.3. Unions vs Non-Union, Contingent Workforce, “Independent Contractor” status

6.3.4. Calculating Labor Productivity, Factors impacting labor productivity

6.3.5. Learning Curves, Types of Labor, Span of Control, Matrix Management

6.3.6. Labor Restrictions, Hours Worked per Day / Week

6.3.7. Comparing Insource Labor vs Outsource Labor costs

6.4.  Module 06-4 - Acquiring Materials for the Project

6.4.1. Terms of Sale, Types of Material, Renewable vs Non-Renewable vs Recyclable Materials

6.4.2. “Just in Time” material delivery, Inventory Control / Management

6.5.  Module 06-5 - Acquiring Equipment for the Project

6.5.1. Optimum Sizing & Selection of Equipment

6.5.2. Cost of Ownership

6.5.3. Purchase (Own) or Lease or Rent? Types of Lease

6.5.4. Salvage Value, Depreciation

6.6.  Module 06-6 - Allocating Resources

6.6.1. Expert Judgment

6.6.2. Corporate Norms and Historical Records, Resource Databases, Resource Dictionaries

6.6.3. Resource Priorities

6.6.4. Resources, Effort and Productivity

6.6.5. Assigning / Loading Activities with Resources

6.6.6. CPM Schedule Analysis and Resource Limitations

6.6.7. Automatic Resource Leveling, Manual Resource Leveling

6.6.8. Material Supply Schedule Adjustment, Material Leveling

6.6.9. Funding Schedule Adjustment and Cost Leveling

6.6.10.          Resource Constrained Scheduling Tools & Outputs

6.6.11.          Labor Analysis using Resource Loaded Schedules / Histograms


7.1.  Module 07-1 - Introduction to Managing Planning & Scheduling

7.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Planning & Scheduling

7.1.2. The Process of Managing Planning & Scheduling

7.1.3. History of Planning & Scheduling

7.1.4. Enterprise Plan / Integrated Master Plan, Tender / Proposal Schedule

7.1.5. Implementation / Integrated Master Schedule

7.1.6. As-Built Schedule

7.1.7. Arrow Diagram or Activity-on-Arrow Method

7.1.8. Precedence Diagram or Activity on Node Method

7.1.9. Critical Path Method

7.1.10.          Bar or Gantt Chart vs. Time Scaled Logic Diagrams vs. Pure Logic Diagram

7.1.11.          Line of Balance / Velocity Diagram Method

7.1.12.          Linear Time & Location Method

7.1.13.          Rolling Wave Method

7.1.14.          Building Information Modelling Method

7.1.15.          Level of Schedule Detail– What, When & Who

7.1.16.          Process Map

7.2.  Module 07-2 - Develop the Planning & Scheduling Policies & Procedures Manual

7.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

7.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

7.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

7.3.  Module 07-3 - Identify / Capture all Schedule Activities

7.3.1. Schedule Development Meetings

7.3.2. Determine Level of Detail, Project Phasing, Weather & Other Constraints

7.3.3. Finalize Work Breakdown Structure & Control Accounts

7.3.4. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

7.3.5. Identify the Schedule Activities & Capture All Effort

7.3.6. Activity Names

7.3.7. Frag Nets / Templates

7.3.8. Activity Codes

7.3.9. Additional Schedule Coding Structures

7.4.  Module 07-4 - Create the Logical Relationships & Sequence Activities

7.4.1. Logic Relationships Defined

7.4.2. Sequencing All Activities

7.4.3. Predecessor and Successor Logic

7.4.4. Redundant Logic

7.4.5. Incomplete and Dangling Logic

7.4.6. Summary Activities and Logic

7.4.7. Date Constraints

7.4.8. Lags and Leads

7.4.9. Path Convergence

7.5.  Module 07-5 - Assigning Resources to all Activities

7.5.1. Resource Dictionaries

7.5.2. Resources, Effort and Productivity

7.5.3. Assigning / Loading Activities with Resources

7.6.  Module 07-6 - Calculate the Duration of Each Activity

7.6.1. Estimating Durations (Analogous, Parametric, Three Points, Bottom Up)

7.6.2. Time vs Cost Trade-offs

7.6.3. Learning Curves

7.6.4. Using Calendars

7.6.5. Activity Attribute Checklist

7.7.  Module 07-7 - Calculating Float and the Critical Path

7.7.1. The Critical Path and the Longest Path

7.7.2. Definitions of Total Float and Free Float

7.7.3. Calculating Float

7.7.4. Multiple Paths

7.7.5. Reasonableness of Float

7.8.  Module 07-8 - Validate the Critical Path & Completion Dates

7.8.1. Characteristics of a Reliable Schedule

7.8.2. Tools & Techniques for validating the Critical Path and Completion Dates

7.8.3. Common Barriers Impacting a Valid Critical Path and Completion Dates

7.8.4. Optimize the Schedule for Imposed Parameters

7.8.5. Imposed Constraints

7.9.  Module 07-9 - Validate Horizontal and Vertical Integration

7.9.1. Schedule Interfaces & Horizontal Traceability

7.9.2. Summarizing, Rolling Up / Down & Vertical Traceability

7.10.     Module 07-10 - Conducting a Schedule Risk Analysis

7.10.1.          Dealing with Risks and Uncertainties

7.10.2.          Duration Risk & Uncertainty

7.10.3.          Monte Carlo Simulation

7.10.4.          Network Logic Risk & Uncertainty

7.10.5.          Merge Bias or Merge Points

7.10.6.          Schedule Contingency Approaches

7.10.7.          Prioritizing Risks

7.10.8.          Probabilistic Branching

7.11.     Module 07-11 - Baselining and Communicating the Schedule

7.11.1.          Develop Written Basis and Schedule Narrative

7.11.2.          Communicate the Schedule

7.11.3.          Benchmark & Freeze the Schedule Performance Measurement Baseline


8.1.  Module 08-1 - Introduction to Managing Cost Estimating & Budgeting

8.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Cost Estimating & Budgeting

8.1.2. The Process of Managing Cost Estimating & Budgeting

8.1.3. History & What is a Cost Estimate

8.1.4. Challenges Facing Both Owner and Contractor Cost Estimators

8.1.5. Types of Cost Estimates and Their Uses

8.1.6. Cost Estimating Processes (Owners and Contractors)

8.2.  Module 08-2 - Develop Cost Estimating & Budgeting Policies & Procedures Manual

8.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

8.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

8.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

8.3.  Module 08-3 - Define the Estimates Purpose and Scope Of Work (Owner)

8.3.1. Team Cost and Scheduling Meetings

8.3.2. Determine Level of Detail, Project Phasing, Weather & Other Constraints

8.3.3. Finalize Work Breakdown Structure & Control Accounts & Responsibility Assignment

8.3.4. Cost Estimating Templates, Activity Codes & Additional Schedule Coding Structures

8.4.  Module 08-4 - Creating the Owners Cost Estimate (Top Down)

8.4.1. Standardized WBS Structures, Source of the Cost Data, Assumptions/Constraints

8.4.2. Major Changes, Project Information, Cost Estimating Software

8.4.3. Conceptual Screening - (GPC Level 1 Cost Estimate)

8.4.4. Capacity Factored Method, Parametric Modelling or Parametric Estimate

8.4.5. Analogy or Cost Estimate Relationship (CER) or Cost Estimating Model (CEM)

8.4.6. Expert Opinion Technique

8.4.7. Study or Feasibility- (GPC Level 2 Cost Estimate)

8.4.8. Life Cycle Cost/Costing, Calculating the Total Life Cycle Cost (LCC)

8.4.9. Equipment Factored Cost Estimating, Percentage or Ratio Factored Cost Estimate

8.4.10.          Value Analysis/Value Engineering

8.4.11.          Budget, Authorization or Control (GPC Level 3 Cost Estimate)

8.4.12.          Owner Baseline, Owner Estimate, Bid or Tender Estimate (GPC Level 4 Cost Estimate)

8.5.  Module 08-5 - Define the Estimates Purpose & Interpret The Scope Of Work (Contractor)

8.5.1. Team Cost and Scheduling Meetings

8.5.2. Value Analysis/Value Engineering

8.5.3. Determine Level of Detail, Project Phasing, Weather & Other Constraints

8.5.4. Finalize Work Breakdown Structure & Control Accounts

8.5.5. Standardized WBS Structures, Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

8.5.6. Cost Estimating Templates (Contractors)

8.5.7. Source of the Cost Data, Assumptions/Constraints

8.5.8. Major Changes

8.6.  Module 08-6 - Developing the Contractors Cost Estimate (Bottom Up)

8.6.1. Bill of Quantities / Bill of Materials

8.6.2. Contractor Cost Baseline, Bid or Tender- (GPC Level 5 Cost Estimate)

8.6.3. What is Activity Based Costing, Components of Activity Based Costing, Case Study

8.6.4. Producing the “S-Curve”

8.6.5. Level of Effort

8.6.6. Using Activity Based Management

8.6.7. Using the Cost Estimate and Actual Costs of Work Performed (Cost Variance)

8.7.  Module 08-7 - Validate the Time & Cost Trade-Offs

8.7.1. Assumption Testing & Sensitivity Analysis

8.7.2. Monte Carlo Simulation, PERT Analysis & Cost vs Time Trade Offs (Optimization)

8.8.  Module 08-8 - Validating Horizontal and Vertical Integration

8.8.1. Schedule & Cost Interfaces & Horizontal Traceability

8.8.2. Summarizing, Rolling Up / Down & Vertical Traceability

8.9.  Module 08-9 - Conducting A Cost Risk Analysis

8.9.1. Dealing with Risks and Uncertainties

8.9.2. Duration Risk & Uncertainty

8.9.3. Monte Carlo Simulation

8.9.4. Network Logic Risk & Uncertainty

8.9.5. Merge Bias or Merge Points

8.9.6. Schedule Cost Contingency Approaches

8.9.7. Prioritizing Risks

8.9.8. Probabilistic Branching

8.10.     Module 08-10 - Baselining and Communicating The Cost Estimate/Cost Budget

8.10.1.          Communicate the Cost Estimate/Cost Budget

8.10.2.          Develop Written Basis and Cost Estimate/Cost Budget Narrative

8.10.3.          Benchmark & Freeze the Schedule & Cost Performance Measurement Baseline


9.1.  Module 09-1 - Introduction to Managing Project Progress

9.1.1. The Purpose of Managing Project Progress

9.1.2. The Process of Managing Project Progress

9.1.3. Background Information for Managing Project Progress

9.2.  Module 09.2 - Develop Progress Measurement Policies & Procedures Manual

9.2.1. Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

9.2.2. Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

9.2.3. Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

9.3.  Module 09.3 - Capturing Progress & Updating the Schedule

9.3.1. Measure Physical Progress

9.3.2. Capture Actual Cost of Work Performed

9.3.3. Status and Update the Schedule With Progress

9.4.  Module 09.4 - Assessing and Interpreting Progress Data

9.4.1. Isolate Progress from Logic Changes

9.4.2. Assess Trends Achieved & Performance Analysis

9.4.3. Perform Critical Path, Near-Critical Path & Non-Critical Path Analysis

9.5.  Module 09.5 - Project Performance Forecasting

9.5.1. Check Schedule Accuracy, Assess Milestones & Completion Dates

9.5.2. The Periodic Progress Report

9.5.3. Required Decisions by Owner


10.1.     Module 10-1 - Introduction to Managing Project Change

10.1.1.          The Purpose of Managing Project Change

10.1.2.          The Process of Managing Project Change

10.1.3.          Background Information for Managing Project Change

10.2.     Module 10-2 - Develop Managing Change Policies & Procedures Manual

10.2.1.          Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

10.2.2.          Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

10.2.3.          Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

10.3.     Module 10-3 - Managing Change - The Owner’s Perspective

10.3.1.          Building Information Modelling (BIM)

10.3.2.          Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Approach

10.3.3.          Front End Loading (FEL)

10.3.4.          Internal Change Request or Internal Change Order

10.3.5.          Change Control Boards

10.3.6.          Benefit Cost Analysis

10.3.7.          Multi-Attribute Decision Making

10.4.     Module 10-4 - Managing Change- The Contractor’s Perspective

10.4.1.          Contractual Terms and Conditions

10.4.2.          Costing and Pricing Change Orders

10.4.3.          Adding Change Orders to the CPM Schedule

10.4.4.          Analyzing and Reporting Change Order Impacts Using the CPM Schedule

10.4.5.          Re-baselined CPM Schedule

10.4.6.          Billing against completed Change Order Work

10.5.     Module 10-5 - Configuration Management

10.5.1.          Basic Configuration Management

10.5.2.          Advanced Configuration Management

10.5.3.          Online Configuration Management

10.5.4.          Integrated Configuration Management


11.1.     Module 11-1 - Introduction to Managing Project Databases

11.1.1.          The Purpose of Managing Project Databases

11.1.2.          The Process of Managing Project Databases

11.1.3.          Background Information for Managing Project Databases

11.2.     Module 11-2 - Develop Managing Project Databases Policies & Procedures Manual

11.2.1.          Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

11.2.2.          Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

11.2.3.          Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

11.3.     Module 11-3 - Designing the Project Database

11.3.1.          Designing Database Codes

11.3.2.          Designing Database Structures

11.4.     Module 11-4 - Creating the Project Database

11.4.1.          Cost & Productivity Database Home Page/Demographics

11.4.2.          “Lessons Learned” Databases

11.4.3.          Source of Legal Databases

11.4.4.          Additional Cost & Productivity Databases

11.5.     Module 11-5 - Updating and Using The Project Database

11.5.1.          What Fields to Update?

11.5.2.          “Real” or “Constant” currency using Purchasing Power Parity

11.5.3.          Construction Cost Indices

11.5.4.          Statistical Process Control Charts

11.5.5.          Learning Curves, Productivity and Cost Adjustment Factors


12.1.     Module 12-1 - Introduction to Managing Forensic Analysis

12.1.1.          The Purpose of Managing Forensic Analysis

12.1.2.          The Process of Managing Forensic Analysis

12.1.3.          Background Information for Managing Forensic Analysis

12.2.     Module 12-2 - Develop the Forensic Analysis Process & Procedures Manual

12.2.1.          Formatting Your Standard Operating Procedure

12.2.2.          Writing your Standard Operating Procedure

12.2.3.          Maintaining and Updating your Standard Operating Procedure

12.3.     Module 12-3 - Conduct the Preliminary Analysis

12.3.1.          Record Keeping, RFI / TQ Status Reports

12.3.2.          Design / Procurement Status

12.3.3.          Short Term Programs and Method Statements

12.3.4.          Labor Allocation Sheets, Progress Photos

12.3.5.          Progress Reporting / Requirements of Progress Report

12.3.6.          Notice of Delay / Impacts and Disruption Registers

12.3.7.          Method Statements / Phasing Diagrams

12.3.8.          Information Available, Quality Assurance or Control Records

12.3.9.          Information from Witnesses of Fact

12.4.     Module 12-4 - Conduct the Schedule Analysis

12.4.1.          Selection of Experts

12.4.2.          The As-Planned Program or Schedule

12.4.3.          The As-Built Program or Schedule and As-Built Records

12.4.4.          The Use of Critical Path Analysis

12.4.5.          The Use of Window Periods in Analysis

12.4.6.          Acceleration and Mitigation

12.4.7.          Choosing a Delay / Impact Analysis Methodology

12.4.8.          As-Planned vs. As-Built Methodology

12.4.9.          Contemporaneous Period Analysis Methodology

12.4.10.       As-Planned-Impacted or Impacted-As-Planned Methodology

12.4.11.       Time Impact Analysis Methodology

12.4.12.       Collapsed As-Built Methodology

12.4.13.       Disruption, Productivity, and Other Analyses

12.5.     Module 12-5 - Damage Analysis Phase

12.5.1.          Calculation of Actual Costs, Losses and Damages

12.5.2.          Preparing Documenting & Submitting the Expert Report

12.5.3.          Counterclaims & Rebuttals

12.6.     Module 12-6 - Settlement Negotiations Phase

12.6.1.          Partnering

12.6.2.          Integrated Project Delivery

12.6.3.          Effective Negotiations Techniques

12.7.     Module 12-7 - Formal Disputes Resolution

12.7.1.          Settlement Conference

12.7.2.          Mediation

12.7.3.          Dispute Review Board (DRB)

12.7.4.          Neutral Advisor

12.7.5.          Arbitration

12.7.6.          Private Judge

12.7.7.          Mini Trial

12.7.8.          Summary Jury Trial

12.7.9.          Special Master/Settlement Judge


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