Compelling reasons why kids need to be taught to wash their hands
Children washing hands with a KiddiSynk in the garden of a preschool facility

Compelling reasons why kids need to be taught to wash their hands

National Hand Washing Awareness Week campaign emphasises how important it is!

There has been a great deal of information flying around the globe recently which focusses on the huge importance of effective and frequent hand washing. Much of this has been centred on the fact that young children need to be taught how to do it – and to be supervised adequately while they carry out the activity.

Despite the fact that washing with soap and water is a low-tech?“seemingly basic”?activity,?“handwashing can protect from a variety of illnesses and even decrease antibiotic resistance”?according to a recent report on the?Pharmacy Times website.

The headline figure in the article by?Marilyn N. Bulloch?PharmD, BCPS, FCCM,?Victoria Barker, PharmD Candidate, is quite an eye opener. They quote the?Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?(CDC) which revealed that a “proper” 20 second hand wash would reduce incidents of diarrhoea in children by 33% and respiratory infections in the same group by 20%.

Warning about antibiotic resistance

The report also refers to increasing worldwide concerns about the contribution hand washing can make when it comes to diminishing the spectre of antibiotic resistance.

“Washing your hands with soap and water appropriately can decrease antibiotic resistance by decreasing the need for antibiotics by extricating infectious bacteria altogether before the bacteria can cause illness.”

The recent?National Handwashing Awareness Week website?states?“Experts recommend washing your hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds.”

It also reaffirmed that there is till a great deal to be done to get the hand washing message across – with adults being work in progress.

“The CDC also reports that only 31 percent of men and 65 percent of women washed their hands after using a public restroom.”

Which is why it’s vitally important that as many children as possible become hand washing champions – you never know, they may educate all those reluctant adults…

December is Handwashing Awareness Month: Be Aware, Wash With Care ?

Children learning to wash their hands with a KiddiWash portable sink


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