Compelling Communication (Persuasion Meta-Skill)

Compelling Communication (Persuasion Meta-Skill)

Article 2 of 8 on Meta-Skills:?Meta-skills are becoming increasingly important for today's & tomorrow's GTM team members because they enable individuals to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing, complex, and interconnected world.?<The first article on Autodidacticism lies in wait here> ?

Let's discuss,?Compelling Communication?(CC) as Meta-Skill. In this take, CC or Persuasion (is a comprehensive framework for creating influential messages that engage an audience's emotions, values, and beliefs while demonstrating a commitment to ethical behavior and credibility. These four aspects are essential for modern tech GTM workers to develop regardless of specialty as they are forced to navigate an increasingly complex and ever-evolving techno-social environment. The model consists of four aspects:

Logos: Using logic and reason to present clear and rational arguments based on factual evidence. This aspect emphasizes the importance of creating a robust logical framework for your message, using facts and data to support your position, and avoiding logical fallacies or misleading information.-??I see you data-driven {insert headline title} professionals.?

Ethos: Establish credibility and trustworthiness through expertise, professionalism, and adherence to established standards. This aspect emphasizes the importance of building a solid personal brand and reputation on deliverability, demonstrating expertise and authority in your field, and being transparent and honest in your communication.

Pathos: Emotional appeal to engage an audience's feelings, values, and beliefs. This aspect emphasizes the importance of creating an emotional connection with your audience, using storytelling and other techniques to tap into their values and beliefs. Maya Angelou summarized the necessity of this ... aspect's necessity: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." However, I hear this sentiment in the voice of my GTM-brother-in-arms, Tobias Edwards, as he is adamant about this approach on his sales teams.?

Dikaios: Demonstrating ethical behavior and moral principles, such as justice, fairness, and righteousness. This aspect emphasizes the importance of building trust and credibility with your network in this?increasingly decreasing?space by adhering to ethical principles and avoiding unethical behavior, such as deception or manipulation. Dikaios refers to ethical behavior, and moral principles such as justice, fairness, and righteousness are essential to include in persuasive communication because they enhance the speaker's?personal?credibility and trustworthiness.?

By leveraging all four aspects of the model, communicators can create effective, ethical, and persuasive messages that communicate the value of their products or services to their audience. In addition, developing this Meta-Skill provides a powerful and flexible capability to communicate persuasively regardless of media- messages that engage an audience's emotions, values, and beliefs while demonstrating a commitment to ethical behavior and credibility.

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Triangle to Pyramid

Many readers may recognize that most of this framework leans on Aristotle's rhetoric triangle, also known as the Aristotelian triangle, developed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle to explain the elements of effective communication. The triangle has three key components: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.?

Why deviate from this proven and well-trod method? Why have the audacity to add the fourth aspect, Dikaios? While, Dikaios may seem closely related to Ethos, as foundational of the speaker's authority to speak on a particular topic, they differ in emphasis. While Ethos speaks to the speaker's authority, trustworthiness, and reputation, Dikaios calls attention to the speaker's commitment to ethical behavior and moral principles.?

Logos, which again refers to the use of logic and reason in persuasive communication, is important because it provides a robust and logical framework for the message. However, without ethical behavior, logos can be used to support false or misleading arguments, damaging the speaker's credibility and trustworthiness. Including Dikaios in the Aristotelian triangle ensures that the ideas presented are logical, ethical, and aligned with moral principles.?

Pathos, the emotional appeal of persuasive communication, is essential because it engages the audience's feelings and creates an emotional connection with the message. However, without ethical behavior, Pathos can be used to manipulate the audience's emotions, which can damage the credibility and trustworthiness of the speaker. Including Dikaios in the Aristotelian triangle ensures the emotional appeal is genuine, if not compassionate.

If the readers allow, another visual will aid further digestion and discussion: Let's take a tree as a model and blend in the pyramid aspects into a blending hierarchy:

Tree Model

  1. Dikaios: The tree's?roots?represent the foundation of persuasive communication, which is ethical behavior and moral principles such as justice, fairness, and righteousness. The rest of the message will be strong and practical, with a strong foundation in moral behavior.
  2. Ethos: The?trunk?of the tree represents the credibility and trustworthiness of the speaker or writer. This pillar is built on the foundation of Dikaios and includes expertise, professionalism, and adherence to professional standards.
  3. Logos: The?branches?of the tree represent logical and rational arguments based on factual evidence. This pillar is built on the foundation of Dikaios and the credibility of Ethos. The tree branches are the trunk extensions that reach out to provide the support needed to hold the fruit.
  4. Pathos: The tree's?fruit?represents the emotional connection created with the audience through storytelling and authenticity. This pillar is built on the foundation of Dikaios, the credibility of Ethos, and the logical support of Logos. The fruit is the tangible result of the message; it is how we make others feel.

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This model highlights the importance of building a solid foundation in ethical behavior and moral principles and establishing credibility and trustworthiness before moving on to logical and emotional appeals. The tree model also shows the interdependence between the four aspects, with each building on the one before it to create a strong and compelling message.

One of Daniel Pink's most famous quotes from his book?To Sell Is Human?succinctly summarizes the importance of persuasive communication in our digital age: "It's no longer enough to be a good talker; one must also be a good listener, observer, and improviser." The capacity to engage, compassionately disrupt others, and move them will remain critical for what roles come next.

A quote from the Stoic philosopher, Seneca, resonates strongly with Pink's reflections on persuasive communication: "We have been given an inheritance of words and a great abundance of tongue. We should use them in such a way as to make ourselves easily understood and to persuade others." This quote speaks to the idea that persuasive communication is a skill that can be acquired and honed through practice. The Persuasion Pyramid, composed of the four aspects of logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Diakos, provides a valuable and 3/4 proven framework for understanding how to create compelling messages. By studying and mastering these principles, we can become better communicators and be more successful in today's, not to mention tomorrow's, GTM roles.?

Questions? Ask; I always answer.

Dustin ?? Rippetoe

?? Fractional Family Offices ?? Generational Wealth & Long Term Care ??

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