Be compassionate to yourself!

Be compassionate to yourself!

If a colleague who is a friend comes to you and tells about a job they messed up , how would you react ? Will you start blaming them for being careless etc right away or would you try to console, advise to take a step back, reflect , learn and move on ?

If you are compassionate a little bit, you will do the latter.

Why do we not do this to ourselves? Why are we in a hurry to blame ourselves when we mess up.

Accountability is not about being harsh to yourself.

Performance is not about questioning self worth.

Success is not about living with fear of failure.

You will not be perfect. You will not know everything.

You also don't control everything.

Be kind! To yourself.

Let the good and the bad pass.

Whenever you face a not so favourable situation, Stand a bit far from yourself , look at yourself as a third person and ask -

"Does this person really need to be so miserable?"

You will have a smile on your face. That's self compassion.

Practice it! Daily!


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