Compassion: Want some?
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Here it goes, start simply with a common exercise called the LOVING KINDNESS MEDITATION. All you need is a quiet space and about 15 min.
· In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position.
· Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind.
· Mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward.
· This could be your spouse or your mom or your child.
· Dwell on those positive thoughts for a little bit & then extend that same feeling toward yourself.
· Ruminate on that for a little while, then expand that feeling out to others, maybe think of someone you aren't as close to and think tenderly about them.
· As time allows add more people to that circle.
After a little practice, you can add people who don't automatically inspire tender thoughts.
Serious practitioners eventually add in all of humanity.
This may sound a little woo-woo, but several studies show this simple exercise really does strengthen your sense of compassion.