Compassion is needed to advice !
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
Compassion is needed to give advice!
When Paul wrote exhortations in the Philippian Epistle, he said: “Join in imitating me, brothers and observe those who live according to the example you have in us. Because many people behave differently. For I have often told you and now say again with tears, that many live as enemies of the Cross of Christ (Philippians 3:17,18).
Paul made it clear about the two types of Christians in the above verses. Those who belong to the first type are, like Apostle Paul, seeking to become like Christ, seeking the unity of His sufferings with much longing and seeking the ways to die with the Lord!
But those in the second category were spiritually contradictory to the spirit of Christ. Paul called them as "enemies of the Cross of Christ." Because they were always longing for Earthly things!
We too want to be with Paul in the first team. Yes, that desire is good. But if we are to be with Paul's group, we must also have "a special character" that find with Paul. What it is: Whenever he spoke about the enemies of Christ's Cross, he "spoke with much tears!"
Have you seen! We too, in our lives, need to talk about Christians who have been conforming to the world or backsliding from time to time. But ..... are we pointing of them with the spirit that Paul spoke of? Or did we speak with Pharisee self-righteousness or with the blaming spirit? If you had this second kind of spirit, now you must know that you have become united with Satan, who "accuses the brothers!"
It is necessary to mention the enemies of the Cross of Christ. But the only way to mention it is with "tears"!
Our Loving Father! There are no "compassion and tears" in our advice either to our children or to others ..... give us Your compassion! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Zac Poonen