Compassion and humanity
Brad Bleckwehl
Author, actor, screenwriter, producer, allround creative trying to touch hearts, minds and entertain with creativity
Where’s the humanity in human beings treating other human beings as lesser? Be it for color of skin, gender (or gender dysphoria), sexuality, belief system, mental illness or just simply for being different, to be treated as ‘lesser’ simply for not being the ‘standard’ cookie cutter being is a crime against humanity, a terrible injustice against life itself, the beauty of difference that’s given us so many incredible people through history and many, many, more who most will never even hear of. We would soon bore of having to eat the same food every time, we marvel at all the different types of music, animals, flowers, movies/tv, different types of art, all the variants in the world that make it so incredible to be a part of yet so many people want all people to be the same, to look the same, act the same, live the same ways. If we can’t see past color of skin to glowing souls that can brighten our world, past sexuality to beating hearts that still love just as much, past the illnesses in mind that make people work far harder to play a part in the world, we’re not really looking, not trying or caring. Each one of us is a soul born into this world in physical body we have no choice over, with a mind that works in ways we didn’t get to choose, with hearts that love in ways far out of our control. To think you are better than someone else simply because you were born different from each other is one of the worst insults to life, to this gift of being. To anyone who’s ever been treated like they are lesser, anyone who’s ever been made to suffer, to struggle, to feel not good enough or out of place or weird or unloved, hated or unworthy, I want you all to know that you ARE beautiful souls, you ARE worthy, ARE loved and good enough. Please never forget what’s good in you, what gives your soul light and your heart warmth, your mind power and your being something special. How they treat you isn’t how you should see or feel about yourself. What they see is clouded, tainted, poisoned by the wrong ways of thinking and I’m so sorry that they put that energy on you. One day society is going to be a whole lot different and we have to help future generations experience that by not letting the hate and ignorance in this world turn our good hearts and minds. Let us keep adding good energy to this world, keep love and compassion strong so change comes quicker. Your beautiful souls and powerful hearts can change this world for the better and that’s a power those cruel people shall never grasp. You DO matter ????