The compass. The moral compass
The Compass. The moral compass.
Today is a sad day, a very sad day.
Nearly 1000 years ago the Chinese discovered the compass. For the first time in human history we had a path to follow, we knew where to go. Nearly 400 years later the Portuguese developed a modern version of the Astrolabe, and until the GPS was developed we again knew the right route to follow, either by using the stars or the magnetic north, at that time the world knew what was the right and wrong route to follow.
Today is a sad day, a very sad day, we do have GPS, we do know where we are and how to reach the place to go, better then anytime in history, but the real compasses, the real astrolabes, has been unfortunately lost in time.
Desmond Tutu, one of the World's morale compasses has passed away today, and with him, dies part of the morale consciousness that should guide us on every single day of our lives.
South Africa taught us so much, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, and lot of others taught us the way, the right way, not the easiest one, not the simplest one, but the right one, the only one, the compass one, the astrolabe one, the only path a proper human being should follow.
One after the other we are losing our compasses, we are losing the people that in the middle of all the fog, tells us where to go, tells us the way, not the easiest way, the right way.
3 年Marco, a very strong and emotional tribute. My deepest condolences to this baobab of human rights that the world has lost. Thank you so much