【Comparison of Surface Characteristics of Mesoporous Titania Prepared in Matrix-Free Solutions and Using Triton X Reverse Micelles】

【Comparison of Surface Characteristics of Mesoporous Titania Prepared in Matrix-Free Solutions and Using Triton X Reverse Micelles】

Read full article: https://tinyurl.com/y6zntrmr

Article by Polyxeni Paschalidou and Charis R. Theocharis, from University of Cyprus, Cyprus.

#Titanium_dioxide, TiO2, is one of the most interesting transition metal oxides. The study of possible synthetic procedures for preparation of mesoporous titania solids with high surface area and adjustable mesoporous structure is of particular interest in both catalytic applications and environmental decontamination technologies. The present study compares texture and #surface_characteristics of mesoporous TiO2 solids prepared using Triton X #reverse_micelles of varying tail size matrix and TiO2 solids synthesized in matrix-free systems 1) through aqueous precipitation at pH 2 and 2) by a solvothermal method in a non-aqueous phase. #Mesopores #Synthesis


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