Comparison between native app development and cross-platform app development for businesses
Comparison between native app development and cross-platform app development for businesses

Comparison between native app development and cross-platform app development for businesses


For a long time, app developers have had to select between native and cross-platform application development to?develop mobile apps?for business organizations. Native app development allows users to create apps only for a particular operating system that is iOS or Android. In contrast, cross-platform mobile app development allows users to create applications to target multiple operating systems. Here, we will discuss the benefits of both types of development and diverse scenarios to select the right development platform.

Overview of Native Mobile Applications

Native mobile applications target either iOS or Android operating systems. It depends on the operating system, for which you have to develop apps. Native applications need coding in a specific programming language based on whether you choose iOS or Android.

Benefits of Native Mobile Apps

Improved Security

Native applications boost the security of a user’s data and possess access to built-in security features for either Android or iOS platforms.

Outstanding Performance

Individuals may create and optimize native apps for a particular platform. Simultaneously, the platform allows compiling of apps via the core programming language and related APIs.

Access to Diverse Features and Functionalities

Native mobile applications may access diverse features and functionalities of a device to give you an integrated user experience.

Overview of Cross-platform Mobile Applications

Cross-platform mobile applications need a single codebase to develop various applications. Its goal is to use a single project to target diverse operating systems.

Benefits of Cross-platform Mobile Apps


Cross-platform mobile apps require only one team of app developers. The app approaches a rich audience to gain traction, allow faster marketing of the app and test the market.

Reusability of Codes

A cross-platform development framework allows developers to use only one codebase to make sure of consistency in the business logic.


App developers may easily update any cross-platform application and may target different platforms even by using a common code to achieve consistency.

When to Choose Native or Cross-platform App Development

We will consider the following areas to compare and determine the development method we will use.

Time to Promote or Market a Product?

Time to promote or market is a prime concern for almost every new product line and startup group. New entities may intend to ship their products early as possible to receive quality feedback from their users. Under this scenario, we recommend you choose cross-platform applications. These apps are relatively faster to create and iterate. In contrast, native mobile development consumes time and is difficult to maintain. Hence, these apps lead to a relatively slow time to promote or market products.


Both utility and gaming mobile applications may have relatively high computation requirements. Hence, native mobile development is the best?option for every app that requires improved performance. On the?other hand, the use of cross-platform frameworks requires extra effort and improved expertise levels in gaming and utility apps. When you optimize performance for a definite operating system, you will ensure the effective and efficient operation of your application.


App developers and business owners should consider the reputation of any business and its influence to develop the trust of users. The risks involved may become very high for specific types of mobile applications, like mobile banking apps. In such scenarios, native mobile app development is the best method. Native app development uses its specific OS libraries to offer several built-in security features, like intelligent fraud detection and file encryption. Furthermore, native apps provide improved levels of stability, security, and scalability to users. In contrast, cross-platform apps lead to somewhat compromise in security or scalability even though it is ideal to market a business app at a fast rate.


The budget or overall cost involved in the development of mobile apps is a prime consideration for every app developer or business. Businesses and app developers with low budgets should choose cross-platform applications, as they require only a small team. Besides, cross-platform application development allows developers to reuse a single code for multiple projects. Doing so will also reduce the overall cost related to app development and the budget.


Whether you use iOS or Android operating system for application development, you should create your application with outstanding performance, security, and scalability in your mind. The selection of either cross-platform or native app development depends on a particular utility or gaming app and its use case. Therefore, assess the unique requirements of a mobile app project thoroughly to determine whether cross-platform or native app development suits better.

Hexeam Software Solutions?provide both native mobile app developments and cross platform mobile app development services to our clients. You can connect with us?here.

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