Comparison between Liars and Truth-Tellers
Spend more time thinking than just relying on memory to answer questions
Are more likely to touch their body as they are stressed and anxious
Are likely to have less eye contact (feeling guilty) or more eye contact (needing to over compensate).
Appear observant, watching you closely to see if you have accepted their statements
May unconsciously adopt a defensive body posture to protect themselves
May talk less (to give less detail) or talk a lot more (to fill the gap and confuse)
May use more frequent filler words such as “Ah” and “Em” while thinking
Keep repeating questions to gain time so they can think
Are likely to use long pauses to force the other person to talk
Are likely to dodge sensitive questions and aim to shift the conversation to a different topic
Telling the Truth
Are quick to answer
Have a comfortable posture and seem to be at ease to talk about the topic
Talk at their normal speed, without rushing or feeling the need to pause and think hard
Show their palms and have a generally open posture
Seem to be happy to stay on a topic and talk about it as required
Jayadeva de Silva for Humantalents International
Heart and Mind Learning the Humantalents way
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