Comparing SVM and Logistic Regression with Outliers ??
Logistic Regression is pretty sensitive to outliers. ?? They can really mess with the estimation of its coefficients, forcing it to find a linear boundary even if it's not ideal. Sometimes, a sigmoid function is used to help mitigate this. ??
SVMs also struggle with outliers. ?? They can cause the decision boundary to stray far from the optimal hyperplane. To combat this, SVMs use "slack variables." ?? These come with a penalty, and how SVM handles outliers depends on how this penalty is applied.
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Implementing a Simple kNN Algorithm in Code ??
kNN is a versatile algorithm used for both classification and regression. ?? Here's the basic idea:
What's a "Pure" Node in a Decision Tree? ??
In a decision tree, a "pure" node is like hitting the jackpot! ?? It means the Gini Index is 0, indicating that all elements in that node belong to the same class. ??
When a node is pure, you've reached a leaf node. ?? This leaf node represents the final output or class label. ???
Space and Time Complexity of Hierarchical Clustering ???
Hierarchical Clustering can be quite demanding on resources, especially with large datasets. ??
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