Compare notes on the confluence of IT and the store, before the holidays!
The store is at the epicenter of all that's happening in retail. Every retail company has amazing ideas to better connect with customers, manage tasks and create new efficiencies. Now there's a way to learn about them.
The Store Operations Council meets once a year to give participants the opportunity to compare notes on the processes and practices that are revolutionizing the retail industry. This year we're meeting October 20-21, 2016 in Las Vegas at the gorgeous Aria Hotel, Casino and Spa.
One key part of the meeting is the roundtable discussion, where participants can share stories from their own company, and get feedback from colleagues. The agenda belongs to you, and we'll talk about what you want to talk about. There's no other meeting in the industry that works this way, and this is the only body in retail that studies the store.
Retailers attend at no charge. To receive the full meeting notice drop a note to [email protected].