Compare and Despair
Mike Buccialia
Chief Soul Officer & Founder @ Mindworx | Career Cross-roads: who will you BE next? | Maximize Midlife with Mindworx
After the last post about ‘starting’ my mate PH asked - what holds us back from starting something new. It’s a great question/prompt so I’m gonna run with it.
The big question is: why do we hold ourselves back from even attempting the things we truly want to do in life? Write a book, act in a play, learn a musical instrument, go back to school, start a business, etc. My assumption and personal experience is that the root cause is fear. That can represent itself in many ways but a few that are top of mind:
For the purposes of this post, I’m focused on ‘Compare and Despair’: the concept of believing other people are more successful than us, comparing ourselves to them, and then feeling bad about ourselves and our achievements.
“People constantly evaluate themselves, and others, in domains like attractiveness, wealth, intelligence, and success. According to some studies, as much as 10 percent of our thoughts involve comparisons of some kind.”
In 1954 Social Comparison Theory was developed on the idea that individuals determine their own social and personal worth based on how they stack up against others.
The nature of the brain to compare and benchmark isn’t a problem in itself - it’s what we do with the information that can cause us to stall out. I for one have caught myself several times in life thinking - oh I won’t go for that job because I’ve seen people on LinkedIn that are a better fit. It’s also easy to dismiss our own talents because we perceive someone as being better at the same skill. It’s most likely that there is someone out there better than you or me at any given skill, but that does not mean there isn’t immense value in what you offer and the unique way in which you deliver that particular skill. It also doesn’t mean you don’t have the opportunity to surpass that other person if you work at it.
I’m not going to get into the whole social media aspect of this issue but as you can imagine social media exacerbates this problem by constantly surfacing curated photos of people’s ‘best lives’ available for comparison 24/7.
If, like me, you’ve ever experienced this (which is likely, due to the point above ??) what can be done? Like any potential self-sabotaging issue there is always another way to look at things with the right mindset. Comparison is normal, it is how the mindworx, it’s the negative self-assessment that causes issues.
Psychology Today published a nice list of antidotes. For me simply being aware of this comparison trap and recognizing the thoughts that follow can help reset how I’m looking at things. Comparison can be a source of positive motivation if your mindset is to look for inspiration and ways to improve vs focusing on what you may be lacking (true or not…)
This is how your mind works - always comparing and looking for improvements, use it to your advantage.
Creating a Happier and Healthier World
2 年Love this! Comparison makes us think we need to conform, but our authentic selves are so valuable.
Thanks for sharing this perspective. It's always helpful to have something mapped out for easy absorption (she said thinking to herself that sometimes posts seem too highbrow or maybe she just can't grasp what others can...)
Kambr by Amadeus
2 年Great post. The fear is a bitch and can be extremely difficult to get past. This has always been the first roadblock and gut chrck for me when entering into something new. I've overcome those situations through either encouragement from others or confidence in myself. However my most common method to overcoming it was through sheer naivety on my part to understand the true undertaking I was about to enter into.
Chief of Staff
2 年Comparison is the theif of joy!! Likely has been my favourite and most used quote of all time. More gold ??content from you Bucci; thank you!
Founder | Board Member | Web3 Maxi
2 年"Admire and aspire" - great takeaway. Some people choose to "show off" instead of simply "show up." I admire and aspire towards your consistency of showing up for yourself and others in everything you do in life! ??