A Comparative Study of Netflix and Its Competitors
Netflix was not always the Streaming platform we know of today! It was founded in 1997, offering online movie rentals with less than 1000 titles. After switching to a subscriber-based model in 2005, it finally began its own streaming services and original content creation in 2007. Netflix as we know now is the top choice for people to stream original content. By 2016, it had over 50 million subscribers, increasing every second.
Netflix- Competitor analysis
While it was the first emerging OTT platform for original content, this is not the case now! Amazon Prime and Hotstar are two pioneering and major competitors to Netflix in this race now. While Netflix retained its users mainly because of its original content and personalized recommendations for its audience, it would not be incorrect to say that other platforms are also giving cutting-edge competition to Netflix now! Let’s look at some key differences with respect to the two biggest competitors- Amazon Prime and Hotstar.
In conclusion, more or less, the three streaming services offer almost the same features as of today. But it can definitely be said that many of these features and services were first introduced by Netflix and others quite literally stepped into its shoes. Netflix’s Marketing game usually relies heavily on originality and personalisation of the content offered so that every user feels unique. This is something other streaming services are also adopting fast and gearing up to compete with Netflix.