Is this company stable?
Stability is about much more than just the amount of sales, but about the resilience of the business, the ability to survive in case of decreasing sales, lack of capital, etc. So, just as employers analyze you at various stages, you should analyze your future company's financial health and ability to weather adversities.?
Then look to the future and evaluate the company's potential to maintain its growth and market presence. Okay, I said all that, but I didn't present you with solutions to this problem. So follow these steps to properly evaluate your future contractor:?
Dig deeper than the name?
Thoroughly investigate the company's earnings statements. Dig up old reports; they can demonstrate the company's growth trend in the last quarters. With this research you can see the trends of the last few years, and predict the trend for the next few years. In addition, ask during the interview how much capital is needed for the company to become sustainable, so you can even find out if the company will get loans and investments.?
Review the clients list
A company's customers can tell a lot about its future, the more customers with a well-structured history, the better the news for you. However, you must calculate how much the company will lose if it loses an important customer and if it is possible to survive this according to the earning history. Take a look at the openness of the market in which the company is investing, has the market been growing? Is there enough market and customers looking for products or services in this niche??
Evaluate if the company has been hiring?
The companies themselves make assessments about their financial health and consequently only hire if they are in a good stage. So take a look at whether the company has been hiring lately, or if it has been adopting a mass dismissal policy, this will help you decide and understand whether the company is stable or not. Also, do some research on who the employees are, what the hiring pattern has been. Opt for startups that hire by technical level and avoid those that hire friends, family members, and acquaintances who do not have a high enough technical level to help the business growth.?
High success standards
Now that you have delved into the company, take the time to evaluate the competitors and if the company's standards stand out against their products and services. Also, take a look at the comments that the company and its competitors receive. The customers' experience is very important to know if the company will be able to keep and scale customers in the coming months.??
As we always like to say, these are just a few points for you to consider before accepting a job at a startup, there are many other ways! Most of all, trust your judgment and intuition.