Company Day 2017
Rajesh Dorbala
Digital Presence and Engagement(Monitoring and Analytics)@ Lovely Professional University| Brand Management | Social Media | Digital Presence | Social Listening | ORM | Content Management and Curation
About Company Day
Mittal School of Business has always been at the forefront of conducting both innovative and educative events in LPU. One of the most anticipated and awaited event over the years has been “The Company Day”. We started this event in 2014 and since then it has become a roaring hit.
One day in each semester is earmarked for the event. We along with a company conduct killer and fun-filled activities that are simply amazing and add value to all stake-holders. The company too gets an opportunity to meet and interact with a humongous gathering of humanity of varied demographics and psychographics.
Our Previous Sponsors:
Company Day 2017
We are planning this event tentatively in the second week of February this year.
We are looking for sponsors for this event, this year.
Any company interested to participate in this event can reach us directly.
How to reach us?
Call: +91-7307017405
Mail: [email protected]
What you need to do?
What’s in it for the company?
- Brand building
- Extensive visibility within the campus
- Opportunity to interact with 30,000+ audience
- Can test market their products
- Can conduct surveys
- Brainstorming on haunting problems with budding professionals
- Discuss future projects
- Opportunity to outsource live projects
- Assign various consultancy projects to students/faculty
- Can create incubation centers
- Opportunities for collaborative research
- Talent Hunt
- Opportunity to become a preferred recruiter in the campus
- Build campus connect
- Fertile hunting ground to scout interns
Proposed Events
- Case Study Analysis
- The company provides a problem and students offer solutions to the same.
- Group Discussion on Nagging Issues
- Debate on Company Strategies
- Marketing Plan Competitions
- Role Plays
- Situation Analysis
- Creating promotion and communication strategies
- Product Reviews
- Product mix analysis
- Distribution Network Analysis
- Ideas generation on procurement and purchase
These are just pointers. Company has free will to conduct any event of their choice and interest.