Community: For what purpose?
Regina Brancato-Dunderdale
I work with women who struggle with fear, impostor syndrome, insecurity particularly if they work in a male dominant environment. Hypnotherapy helps them step into their brilliance with power of their unconscious mind.
As you may know as human beings, we were not born to be isolated. We were born to be part of a community.
Community gives you a sense of belonging and inclusion.
But at the same being part of a community is much more than that, it’s much more than belonging and inclusion.
The right community teaches you how to navigate your reality.
The right community teaches you how to relate to people who are part of your reality.
The right community teaches you more about Love than Hate.
The right community teaches you more about Kindness and Compassion than Oppression.
It teaches you more about Freedom than Fear.
The right community teaches you about Respect and reminds you about your own Humanity.
The right community inspires, motivates and encourages you to achieve success, whatever success means to you.
The right community moves you forward when you are thinking about stopping and giving up.
In other words, the right community will always have your back.
You can only thrive when you belong to the right community.
So, this week’s challenge is about belonging to the right community.
Think about your community and ask yourself:
“Is the community I belong to the right one for me?”
‘Does the community I belong to inspire, encourage and support me to
achieve my goals?”
“Does the community I belong to teach me or remind me of my own
And if the answers to these questions are anything but a resounding YES, then in let’s have a chat.
Get in touch with me.
Go on my website and sigh up for a Free Consultation or e-mail me.
I’m here to support you, to encourage you, to inspire you and to tell you to keep going when things get a bit tough.
Please share this video with others who belong to your community so they too can be reminded of their own humanity.