Community Solar Policy & Regulations
Dev/Hold ERP System
Revolutionizing Community Solar Dev/Hold Operations With ERP Software
Nothing Happens without the Land
?LAND - Your Most Valuable Asset! (Article)
The US Community Solar market is highly regulated and the regulations differ greatly depending on the state, utility and local jurisdiction. In other words there is no one size fits all solution and it will require compliance knowledge about the regulations found in the states where your company is looking for land.
The key trade organization devoted specifically to the industry is the Coalition for Community Solar Access. ?The site has an extensive resource library that discusses some of the compliance issues by state.
We will discuss the different options for locating and vetting different sites across the country, but once you find one it is critical to contact the relevant utility to find out the regulations, compliance issues and commercial issues required to do business with that particular utility/state.
They are all different…
A few of the differences will be the amount of solar they will accept in a given year, whether they have an RFP process and when it will begin and end.?
You may have found the perfect site, but may not be able to use it for years to come…be careful and do your homework!
Understand the State Policy & Regulations
Most established Community Solar companies hire team members to stay up to date on State Regulations…not an easy task.
There are more states opening up community solar every year and the regulations are snowballing!
Consider using a service provider to help your company choose the next state to enter and to support your development team on an ongoing basis.?
Your company can enlist an entire team for about a third of the price of one dedicated professional!
As we work with the new companies, we have been providing recommendations for resources on an ad hoc basis. We think the industry needs an all inclusive “living” resource guide organized around the process roadmap built into the Dev/Hold software.??
To make the roadmap happen, we pulled together a consortium of Community Solar service providers and wrote a complete Roadmap & Resource Guide for anyone looking for more information on the industry.
The Roadmap and Resource Guide is free and if you contact anyone on the list, they will be happy to advise in their areas of expertise.
The guide is over 40 pages long and is all inclusive.?
It covers all the topics from land acquisition, local regulations, land development process, legal, engineering, construction, financial modeling, structured finance, IRA compliance, tax equity financing, the develop & sell model, off takers and subscribers, battery storage, long term operations and maintenance and a great section on industry education and conferences.
If you combine the resources on the list with the process roadmap in the software, we will all work very hard to help you become successful.
The industry is expected to triple in the next five years…now is the time to get started!
Jeff Peterson