Community and Impact
David Toohey MBA BBus(Acc)
Executive Management - Finance, Operations, Technology, Leadership | Community App - Helping People Help Each Other
Many can see my passion is with community and making a real impact. That's why I'm pushing Mind For Me out so those that can really benefit will know about it and have access. Getting more people connected, help grow support networks around us and when we call all more fairly and easily ask for a hand then we can see real impact!
There are many families in need and we're hoping to reach them through groups out there, formal organisations and groups that need the support. There are many stressed and stretched families, where that bit of help provides relief. People working shift work such as those in construction or emergency services and those that need to take time out to do school runs. Wherever families can benefit from access their support networks more easily, we want to help.
We believe the cost of helping someone is far less than the value received by the other person. When that is passed around the network, everyone will be much better off.
Have you ever felt you might need a hand? Painting a fence, changing a light-bulb, assembling furniture? Or simply with childminding or having pets looked after over a weekend? You can have a support network right there to tap into!
So we're asking for a hand ourselves. If you know any groups such as junior sporting teams, family and community groups, Church groups... please let us know and we'll work with them in establishing a more supportive and better engaged and connected community.