Community Diary - Issue 3
Dr. Vijayender Nalla (PhD)
Founder - Agribusiness Academy & Institute of Food and Agribusiness Leadership (IFAL) | PhD, M.S
I am pleased to see that our community is growing in numbers, geographical and value chain spread, and through partnerships.
I would like to thank all my learners for their commitment to their outcomes, program and the community. This is a continuity of our earlier community diaries published which you can access here and here.
Since the last community update we have contributed to a very successful virtual workshop in collaboration with Asian Productivity Organisation (APO). The theme 'Digital Agribusiness Models for Women Entrepreneurs' received significant interest from 25 women participants, with a range of professional backgrounds and experience. The participant representation was from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
I will share more about the individual profiles from this community and the outcomes they are working towards in one of the upcoming issues.
In this community note I am keen to present the details of the sustainability project in the Dutch bakery sector carried out by Debora van Zee together with her colleague Eva Jansen.
What is different about this project is that they have asked critical questions related to the inability of sustainability solutions around the food waste theme to scale. This program is aimed at reducing/eliminating the bread waste from the industrial bakery value chain.
We have had an excellent community session related to the value chain waste stream mapping, product innovations around waste streams and the areas they are keen to pursue. For anyone reading this and interested in accessing this recording for learning and/or implementing and food sustainability solutions can reach out to me.
Some of the key highlights of the project are summarised in the pictures below:
Specially through this community update I am keen to help Debora and Eva get in touch with potential entrepreneurs interested in creating added value out of the bakery waste stream.
The entrepreneur/s should have a scalable product solution with bakery waste as the core, and ambition to develop and scale a profitable business. For such an entrepreneur, they are keen to open up access to the value chain players and help them get favourable deals for getting access to their waste streams.
If you are such an entrepreneur please do drop me a note. I shall share the community interaction recording first and then facilitate a connection for you to get to discuss the match and potential next steps.
Till the next community dairy update!
Inspiring development from the lnstitute......good ?? job
Founder/CEO at JMSF Agribusiness Nigeria - Adding Value, Increasing incomes & Growing the Economy.
4 年Great things happening in there....phew! ??
Practice like you've never WON & Perform like you've never LOST...
4 年Happy to see Agribusiness Academy with such a growth...