Community Connection
Renee Hribar
I Help Women Confidently Sell Their Skills ? Private & Group Coaching ? Host of Experts Connect? ? TEDx Speaker ? Author
There is something so magical when it comes to a community and it is more important now more than ever. With connections happening in such DIFFERENT ways across the globe, it may be easy to mourn the way we used to gather and connect.?
However, all is not lost . . . This has inspired new ways to connect that we may have never tried before. More and more people are getting creative with how to connect and yet still be physically apart. This is why virtual community connection has become more important NOW than ever before in our lives.?
But then a problem arises . . .?
What do I share?
When do I share it?
How often do I post?
What do I post?
Then it starts to feel like “one more thing” to do . . . and we hold back. This is NOT the time to hold back. I have the exact road map to ALL of those questions for you.
Let me tell you a story about a group that started with only 8 people that is now just over 4,000 people. This group has become a source of community connection, inspiration and income in ways that may surprise you. This group is “Entrepreneurial Connections Movement”. I started my group, “Entrepreneurial Connections Movement” as a place to connect with the featured women in an e-magazine that I created as a way to connect with potential clients each week. This e-magazine was called “Entrepreneurial Parents Magazine” and was delivered via email. I was the sole editor, writer, designer and publisher.?
The women featured shared their entrepreneurial journey discussing how they built their businesses and how that impacted their parenting. I wrote additional articles and recorded videos to support the reader in making sales for their business while staying healthy with a one-minute yoga move (because as busy entrepreneurs and parents we had very little time to devote to ourselves). It made perfect sense. I had 20 years of experience selling and teaching others to sell, had received my 200-hour Hatha Yoga Certification and my husband and I had a 12 year journey to becoming parents that made running a business look easy.?
The free community on Facebook was created as an “after-party” for readers to continue to connect with the featured women business owners and the topics discussed in the most recent issue. Not surprisingly, it was also a great place for me to continue to connect with the women I had interviewed where many of them became clients. Even better news, each of these women and I are still connected today having continued to work together in different capacities.?
Having a virtual community associated with your business is and has been for years a phenomenal way to communicate with like-minded people who care about what you love to talk about. Whether it’s a community to discuss recipes, workouts, essential oils or marketing strategies, it is a reason to start the conversation, continue the conversation and invite those most interested to something more (like to buy the membership, purchase the program or invest in coaching).?
3 Reasons why hosting a free community creates impact AND income:
1. Hosting a free community becomes a reason to reach out.
2. Hosting a free community becomes a reason to continue the conversation.
3. Hosting a free community becomes a reason to discover what the people who are paying attention are struggling with and how you uniquely may be able to help them.?
These are just THREE of the many reasons why hosting a group the “RIGHT” way is so good for business.?
If this feels hard, we should hang out more!!
Request to join my free community and get to know other amazing business owners now while we are still accepting new community members: