“Community”, not “Come to our Unit”
Tiago Monteiro Brand?o
The Browers Company || Super Bock Group || R&D || Innovation || HR || Brewing || European Brewery Convention ||
In an accelerated RESET, globally, Discontinuity, Shifting and Recoloring context creates conditions to develop individualist, purpose-led and more "activist" personalities.
Trending individualism in people’s behaviors is here to stay! Few minutes surfing social media pages' discussions and posts, nowadays, and we have an "easy" evidence…
Organizational Culture displacement and dilution affects older and younger organizations (companies, parties, or any structured groups), which are increasingly challenged by the trend and context stated above.
This excerpt is about Community Belongingness Programme (CBP).
An approach organizations could run, internally, in order to prevent the displacement of its Culture by their people (employees, members, etc.)!
Put shortly: organizations must deploy a Community Belongingness Programme (CBP) throughout entire team, which can develop social bonding among individuals and strengthen sense of belonging.
To create a sense of belonging (in a team, group, or department) might prevent turnover while stimulating efficiency and flexibility in teamwork. This is very relevant and will directly impact Results, Know-how, and Innovation competences from organizations.
Every CBP must rely in few principles, to be adjusted according to the organization's Nature (private, public, etc.), Dimension (local, multinational, …), or Business Context (mature, start-up, etc.).
The 3 key-attributes common to any Community Belongingness Programme, in my opinion, are: 1) Engage everyone; 2) Persist along time; 3) Consider other Communities around.
In essence, and to summarize my remarks about a putative “CBP” vision, I mention:
?Ask yourself: what social bond does your organization stimulate among individuals?
If your organization's Community-sense is solid and being nurtured by Leadership, you may be on the safe side, at this point in time. If not, it might be a good time to consider a CBP...
... but don’t let it be just a simple “Come to our Unit” plan…?